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Friday, May 16, 2008

There's a New Dog in Town

Actually, in my house. I'm dog sitting for Riddle Lynn, ARRG roller girl and Captain of the M80s. Cinnamon is a very cute, very sweet pooch with a very busy tail and a penchant for jumping. She and my baby Beo are getting along very well. The hubby picked her up last night from our derby practice, so I missed the initial homecoming, but when I did get home it was nothing but paws and noses.

Both of them like each other and settled in with my husband pretty quickly. Oh, but wait! When the new chick started to get a bit too close to Mommy Beo decided that was enough sharing. He nosed her out of the way and wouldn't let her come near me. Awwwww, such jealousy is heart-warming.

This morning they were bouncing around the house like they'd been paroled. I don't think I can handle two hyper dogs at one time. When it comes time for my kitty to go to the great litter box in the sky I think we'll get a nice mellow dog to complete the family unit. Maybe a bulldog or...well, what other dog out there is lazy? A hound dog? I don't know.

Last night hubby and I laid in bed talking about things. He asks, "I wonder if, when Beo snores, she'll get up and smack him?" I love you honey, even when I'm dog tired you can make me laugh.

Back to work...


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

Awwww, how sweet, jealous doggie.

Tofu was like that when Noodles came along. Wait, what am I talking about, he's still like that. At least where Mrs. The Hun is concerned. If she gives Noodles too much attention, Tofu gives her the evil eye.

As far as mellow dogs, the toy poodles are pretty mellow. I think that's also because they are old.

Sounds like you may lean towards medium or larger dogs. (which is good anyway, wouldn't want Beo to accidentally smoosh his new friend). I bet any pet rescue can tell you what a good mellow dog that would be that would want to be Beo's friend. :D

4:19 PM  

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