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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ted Kennedy

So, dear ol' Ted has a brain tumor. Wow. I never thought he would die from such a thing. I always suspected his liver would give out first. Drinking a gallon of vodka a day tends to put most people in an early grave.

When I was in high school my business law class put on a mock trial of the Chappaquiddick incident. For you youngins out there Ted went on a little drive around Martha's Garden when he was barely an adult. He had a passenger named Mary Jo Kopechne. His car went off a bridge and landed in the water. Ted walked away, Mary Jo was found the next day dead as a door nail.

We (my legal team, the defense) prepared for this trial for two months. We read everything we could get our hands on. This was BEFORE the internet, so we actually had to do some work. When the trial commenced my team tore the prosecution apart. Hey, we were good. Aside from getting an A+ in that class I learned something else.

Ted Kennedy is a lying sack of shit.

In my opinion he let that girl die, and his family helped cover it up. So the fact that he has a mass of cancer slowly eating his brain makes me pretty happy. Hey Ted, payback is a bitch!

Don't expect me to mourn when Teddy finally kicks the bucket. He's been living on borrowed time. If I were a religious person I would say his sins are coming back to haunt him. It's about damn time.


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