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Location: St. Louis, MO

Monday, August 01, 2005

Bush is a Butt Nugget and I'm Pissy

Bush can't get Bolton's nomination through, so he'll just cheat. He'll go against everyone who says Bolton is a waste of sperm and put him in the ambassador's chair anyway. Typical. Just typical. If Bush's parents hadn't taught him how to be a selfish and spoiled all those years ago, we wouldn't be suffering for it right now. Thanks, bitches.

My mom calls me today, at work, and asks me what I'm doing. Not in that "Hey, what are you doing at work" kind of way, but in that excited, chirpy "Wow" way that indicates I'm doing something fantastic and she wants to know about it. I'm not feeding dolphins or filming a mini-series, I'm a freaking secretary. If you call me at work, odds are very good that I'm working. Seeing as it's summer, I'm working sporadically. That's it.

My mom called to tell me that B-Butt ate some plant and his mother was having a hissy fit about it. "Should I make him throw-up? Should I make him drink milk? What should I do?" Mind you, my sister had already called Poison Control. Why she thought a bunch of professionals would know less about poison than my mother, I can't say. Seems to me that poison control would pretty much have the right knowledge about controlling poison. Thus the name, Poison Control. I really want to know why B-Butt wanted to eat the plant in the first place. I know his mama feeds him. Maybe he was pretending to be a dinosour.

This reminded me of a story I saw on one of those reality cop shows or something. This woman was in her car when her brakes failed. Not only that, the car was accelerating. She was driving in mild traffic, but rush hour was approaching. So she grabbed her cell phone and dialed...her mother.

You tell me, what the hell was her mother going to do? Unless she's Wonder Woman, not a damn thing.

So her mother has to call the cops and then spends 45 minutes listening to them trying to save her daughter's life. I'm sure it was an enjoyable, relaxing 45 minutes spent going over every memory of daughter who had a questionable future. DUMBASS! Finally the cops get her stopped and no one is injured. That phone call probably took 10 years off her mother's life. If the moron had called the cops right away instead of spending all that time telling her mother what was wrong, she would have gotten stopped sooner. She put everyone on the road at risk because she couldn't think for herself. People like that shouldn't be allowed to get a driver's license. There should be a question on the test:
When you are in a crisis while in your car, you'd call:
A. The Police
B. The News
C. Your Mother
If you pick anything but A, you get denied.

To everyone, everywhere: If you are in a deadly situation, and she's not a cop, EMT, or fire-fighter, DO NOT CALL YOUR MOTHER! Dial 911, someone who can actually help you. Once the crisis is over, give her a call. Then she only has to spend a few seconds in terror before you tell her everything is okay. This isn't rocket science, people, it's called common sense.


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