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Location: St. Louis, MO

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Too bad we ain't possum huntin'

The little guy we caught yesterday was paroled. I got home and found him panting away under the towel I had placed over the cage. I thought he might be thirsty, so I went inside to get him a little bowl of water. That's when I encountered a problem. I couldn't open the cage to get the water in because, well, the darn thing was hissing at me already and I didn't know how to open the cage anyway. The holes in the cage are too small to slip anything through. So I ended up pouring it on him, thinking he could lick it off if he wanted to and if not, then he would cool down.

Looking at it from his perspective, though, I imagine he didn't appreciate it.

We took him to a big park about a mile away from our home and let him go. He was a gray bullet when that door opened. Honey moved the cage to a new location. This morning we had another possum stuck in the cage. This one was bigger and meaner than the kid we caught yesterday. He, too, found a new home in the park.

Our frustration level with the groundhog has reached higher levels. Once we catch that fat furball, ohhh, we're going all medieval on his ass. I have gotten over my wiccan love of all creatures idealism on this one, that overgrown rat is dead. Honey wants to pull a Grizzwald and tie it to his back bumper and drive to work. I don't like that idea...you can't watch him die that way.

I think we should have him stuffed afterwards and put him on the back deck as a warning to other groundhogs that want to move in. You know, little paws in the air, a look a horror on his little face. We have a plastic owl that seems to do pretty good with the birds.

I watched Brat Camp last night and Oh Me Gosh, is Jada a complete bitch or what? All the other kids have come to realize that their problems were created by their own actions and have taken huge steps in changing who they are. Not this twat. She is still trying to manipulate her parents into taking her home by writing them letters full of lies about how she's being tortured and abandoned. Then she laughs about it, calling her parents "suckers."

The horrible part is her parents fell for it. The councilor had to convince them to leave their daughter in the program. This raises the question, the kids are going through changes, what about the parents? Is someone going to take them aside and tell them how to be better parents? Are they going to get therapy for their issues? How can you send a child right back into the environment that spawned their bad behavior in the first place? I certainly hope this issue is addressed in a later episode. I would hate to see these kids come so far only to be railroaded by their very own parents.

As it is, Jada will be in this program forever. She has not changed one bit in 31 days. How those councilors can keep themselves from bashing her head in while she sleeps is beyond me. Some people you just can't reach. Maybe when other's get to go home she'll finally come to the realization that she's a horrible person. Or, maybe she'll get eaten by a coyote. We can only hope.


Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Thank ya, thank ya very much. We don't have any guns, of any kind, so we're looking forward to gassing the mo-fo once we finally catch him.

9:14 AM  

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