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Location: St. Louis, MO

Monday, March 13, 2006

We Have a New Baby!

I'd like to introduce you to Beowoof. He is a three year old Boxer that was rescued from a meth lab. His previous "owners" didn't abuse him, they just neglected him. When he was rescued he was skin and bones and covered in mange, fleas, ticks, and mites. Because of it he's lost a lot of fur on his left side, we're hoping that will grow back. He is the SWEETEST dog. He doesn't bite, bark, jump (too much) or chew on anything he isn't supposed to.

He does have separation anxiety. We got him Sat. morning and for the rest of the day, if Honey and I were in separate rooms, he would continually walk back and forth between the two of us. He also hates being crated (and I hate putting him in a crate) but until he gets used to everything we have to put him in there. He knows how to sit...if you have a treat in your hand. We're looking into obedience school. He still has stitches from being fixed, but they don't seem to bother him.

He and the cat have an uneasy truce - if he doesn't go near kitty, kitty won't swipe at him. They're working it out. His tail is just a nub but it is in constant motion. When he gets really excited he shakes his whole butt. I just love this dog so much! My nephew came over yesterday and let Beo drag him all over the neighborhood. He may be on the thin side, but it's all muscle. I think I'm going to lose a few pounds just taking him for walks.

I now feel like we have a complete family. The cat will argue that point. I can't wait to get home just to be with him. We need to catch up on those three years he was without love.


Blogger Barbarian02003 said...


He is such a joy! All those corny things people say about having children I feel about having him. I want to leave work early just to go home to him. He is just such a good, sweet dog. I want to take those meth-heads and force them through a razor-wire fence. Twice.

Kitty is going to be 14 this year and he has surprisingly held his own. In about two more weeks I expect to come home and find them curled around each other. If we could just get them to eat thier own food and leave the other's alone...

1:55 PM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Congratulations!!! He's so lucky to have found a family with you guys.... and the cat :P

7:14 AM  

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