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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Today's Mood: Hostile

As many of you know the expansion pack for World of Warcraft (WOW) came out yesterday. Here is the start of an article I found on it:
"There is no bigger PC game than World of Warcraft. This is, after all, the game responsible for uncountable lost jobs, broken marriages, and failed classes. It's also spawned one South Park episode, a mini civil rights crisis, an in-production movie, an epidemic, and at least one reported fatality."

Um-hmmm. Oh, I understand easily how it can ruin a marriage. I certainly hope this new expansion pack includes wives. Let's face it, if you want a game to be as realistic as possible you have to include every facet of civilization. These characters can have homes, why not wives? That way when the warrior stays gone too long he gets an ass-chewing when he gets home. That, or the wife's turned herself into a whore. Hey, at least then she'll be getting sex on a regular basis AND have money. Hubby's too busy killing things. And if he's gone too long he may come home to find his wife's left and taken all his shit, even his ice trays. All that's left is a note knifed to the wooden door that reads:
Dear Husband,
Tired of sitting around waiting to die. Gone out to live my life, hope to find someone willing to live it WITH me.
Your ex-wife

Yes, maybe then these guys who feel a game is more worth-while than real life will begin to understand that a relationship takes TWO active people in order to survive. That if one person gets left out in the cold for so long they begin to seek shelter elsewhere. They begin to question whether they made the right decision in the first place. Hell, they begin to wonder if they've agreed to spend the rest of their married lives alone and depressed.

Think they could put all of that into a game?

Did I say today's mood was hostile? It's murderous, actually. Stark-raving, death-inducing, don't-give-a-shit, stay-out-of-my-way murderous.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

Your idea scenario for an in game wife was hilarious(its also disturbing, unseemly, kinda creepy, but also very clever)

1:05 PM  
Blogger Issy said...

My heart is with you. If you need any support at any time, let me know. You've done it enough for me over the years and this is my way of being able to reciprocate.

2:19 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Thanks, Matto.

Thanks, Issy.

2:36 PM  

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