
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Monday, February 16, 2009

Post V-Day

My V-Day wasn't all that bad. I spent most of it on skates for The Breeder's new music video. Yep, we were roller derby queens for a day. Kim Deal is a very nice person, it was a fun shoot. Of 'course, I'll not get that song out of my head for days still.

I got a new skate bag. The husband gave me one with wheels so I don't have to lug my old one around over my shoulder anymore. Good, I was getting lopsided.

He took me to dinner last night and asked me a question I've been pondering since. Am I happy? Hmmmm, that should be an easy question but for some reason it is not. No, I don't think I am. Why not? I simply don't know. When I try to think about it many webs of thought spin and collide to form one nightmarish ball of twisted thought. I can't make head nor tails of it. I'm too tired right now to really try.

That is all.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's Day

I recently found out my sister and I have another thing in common - we both hate Valentine's Day.

It's a hurtful holiday. Especially when you're attached to a person who doesn't "believe" in it. To get back at "The Man" and prove his superiority over a "consumer driven holiday", said person will go out of his way to not celebrate it. Yeah, that'll show 'em!

For years I tried to celebrate this craptastic day with my husband but I always ended up getting hurt and rejected, so I've stopped. I don't buy shit for Valentine's Day. I don't pay attention to the stupid decorations or watch any of the lovey-dovey crap they put on TV. Every Feb. 14 I wake up pissed off. I go to bed happy because it is over.

Imagine, showing someone you care for them. Just who the hell wants to do that? Celebrate love? What the fuck for? People who feel they should be appreciated this one day of the year are selfish and stupid. How arrogant do you have to be to expect the person you work your ass off for, share a life with, have made sacrifices for, to show you some affection?
