
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Police Brutality

Yesterday morning the citizens of St. Louis were treated to an on-air police chase through it's northern parts. For those of you unfamiliar with the northern parts of St. Louis, let me say this: poor, crime-laden, abandoned, with a lot of crack houses to fill in the empty spaces.

So this guy in a van decided to run from police and the Channel 2 news copter caught the whole thing. Including the four police officers beating the shit out of the driver once he fled on foot. Now, all these people (racist) are crying about how this poor guy (criminal) was beaten by police for no reason whatsoever (nearly ran over school children). Awwwwwww.

If you willingly run from the police, you forfeit your right to not get the shit kicked out of you. If you put the lives of other people in jeopardy because your too stoned/stupid/conceited to pull over and deal with the consequences of your actions, then you get a baton/foot/pepper spray to the face, okay?

So these cops are on suspended leave until an investigation is completed. I don't think the cops did anything wrong. I saw the footage, the guy tried to ram them repeatedly with the van and put a lot of innocent bystanders in danger. I get riled up if someone just cuts me off in traffic. I can't imagine the smack-down I'd initiate if someone rammed me.

GO COPS! Stop the bad guys and give them a bloody head. Perhaps knowing that you'll lose a few teeth if you steal a car will deter the theft from happening.

Monday, January 30, 2006


Nothing like a weekend of binge drinking and eating everything in sight to get one out of a deep depression! Alissa and I killed off three bottles of wine and half a bottle of Sake (thanks, mom!) Saturday night. Alissa was three sheets to the wind but I managed to stay on this side of drunken hell and not on the oh-I-want-to-die side. No puking. No headache. No nasty taste in the mouth that won't disappear no matter how many times you brush.

The best part was getting into an extremely hot hot tub with a light, drizzling rain falling. It was cool laying there under a cold, nasty sky and feeling like a million bucks. The coolest part was walking back to the house. Alissa was in front of me, silhouetted by the house light, steam was coming off her head and disappearing into the darkness above. She lives out in the country so the smell of sweet, wet earth lulled us to sleep that night, (not that it was hard).

The next morning we raided the chicken coop* and prepared some fresh eggs and bacon for breakfast. That's when we took stock of how much we'd eaten the night before. Good Lord, a whole thing of ham/cream cheese/onion dip, a pot of chicken fajitas, a box of pastries, and anything else that wasn't nailed down.

All too soon it was over. AJ came home and pretty much took over the household. They are in the middle of potty-training and I gotta say, there are some things that should stay within the family. Somewhere between the discussion of a nap and big-boy pants I made my exit.

* Chickens are cool. I've never been around them live like this. Alissa collected a hand full of worms and threw them into the coop. Wrestlemania 241, my friends! They have old chickens and young chickens that they have to keep separate or the older girls will kick the youngin's butts. There are two roosters, one to each group. They will mix them soon. I asked Kenny, the owner of the farm, what will happen if the two roosters don't get along. "Loser goes in the pot," he replied. Yikes.

Friday, January 27, 2006

I Just Don't Get It

I just don't understand becoming a pharmacist if you are going to refuse to give out drugs. I don't get it. If you hold your own opinions to be that damn important, become a politician. They're used to screwing people over and they don't act so indignant when they lose their jobs.

If a driver has three citations in five years, why the hell is he still driving a big rig? Don't trucking companies have standards? Eight people are dead because one cock-sucker may have been talking on a cell phone. I certainly hope cell phone driving laws become much stricter now.

I just heard that St. Louis wants to toughen noise laws. If you drive a car with loud (and mostly bad) music pumping out you will be fined $250 for the first offence and $500 for the second. GOOD! Don't think I won't call the cops on my neighbors, they shouldn't have 15 teenagers living in a two-bedroom house to begin with.

I'm in a rotten, nasty mood when it comes to this fucked up country I live in and I'm not sure what to do about it. I'm sick of Bush and all the bullshit that comes with him. I'm sick of moralistic holy-rollers who feel they have a divine right to tell others how to live. I'm sick of a hypocritical society that doesn't care about things it should and cares way too much about things that don't matter. Maybe having a big, all-out nuclear war cleanse this Earth of humanity is the way to go. God knows this planet would have a better time if we ceased living on it.

But with my luck, the only people who survived would be the buttholes who helped screw us up in the first place.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Hubby's Birthday Is Back On

Last night Hubby tells me that he didn't want me to get him a present for his birthday because he wants to get something he's had his eye on for a while and didn't want me to spend any money.

Well......that's all you had to say in the first place!

So if you would care to wish my husband a happy birthday, feel free. Ta.

Saturday Night's the Night

Yee-haw, girls night out. My best friend and I have a whole house to ourselves this Sat. night. Her man's going to be spending a night out with the boys. So I'm going over there to revert to the youth I never had by drinking, talking, eating, and watching horror movie after horror movie. I am so looking forward to this. Women don't spend enough time goofing off as they should.

Y'know, all that baby-raising.

I'm reading Sense and Sensibility for my class and I have to ask how much longer this book is going to remain a classic? In Jane Austen's time just saying the word "Love" in the company of a man who was not married would ruin her reputation. She'd be labeled a whore and shipped off to poor relatives. Today we jump in bed with strangers. How can women of today relate to pandering for a rich husband? I mean, yeah, we have panderers today, but back then it was the ONLY thing a woman had to do. They had no jobs, no rights, no laws, and little education. Getting a good husband was all they had to look forward to. That just isn't the way it works today.

And the story is so frivolous! "Who am I going to marry, does he like me? He doesn't like me! Whaaaaaaaaaaa - oh wait, here's another man, maybe he'll marry me. Oh, he likes my sister, whaaaaaaaaaa." At least it's written well, not like some of the other crap that came out of the 1770's. I just don't understand the appeal. Maybe it's because somebody makes a movie out of it every two years.

Wuthering Heights is next, like that's any better....I tried reading it once but I couldn't understand a damn thing. I guess the early writers were afraid of punctuation.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

In My Vicious Opinion...

...this kid should die. I know he's only a teenager, but look at what he did. He took two people's lives, for NO reason, and then ran. He has a lengthy record and fought with police once he was captured. Just look at him, isn't he a waste of flesh? Let's face it, there are some people in this world who shouldn't have been born. They are useless to society and dangerous. Screw that rehabilitation crap, obviously this kid isn't getting it. Kill him and save some other family from the heartache of losing a loved one. These, too.

...the government is once again proving how stupid it is. I can't really say anything that hasn't already been said, so I'll say this - If I were surrounded by barbaric militants who wanted to do horrible things to my body before and after death, I don't care if those around me screw dead goats. As long as they help keep me alive I don't care. In fact, if a group of lesbians saved my life, I'd probably owe it to them to let them have their way with me.

Pleeeeee-aaaaase. Remember Tarrence Trend d'Arby? Remember him saying he was as good as God? Heard from him lately? That's what I thought.

What is wrong with you people? Honestly, how fucked in the head do you have to be to allow an 8 year old to take a gun to school. Why was the gun out in the first place? If you can't be a responsible parent, get sterilized NOW. There should be a sterilizing law, If you prove to be a dumbass, you can't reproduce. That would save the rest of us in this country a LOT of trouble.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

2006 - Ruined Already

This year has been pretty shitty so far. Car trouble, money trouble, family issues; you name it, we've had it. It's not even February yet.

February is probably the most depressing month of the year for me. See, my husband is one of those men who refuses to acknowledge Valentine's Day. "It's a Hallmark Holiday" has been tattooed on his forehead. So February 14th is just another day to me. That doesn't stop me from noticing all the cute and romantic things happening around me.

I'm not jealous because my husband treats me like a Queen throughout the whole year. It's more that I feel left out - like the star athlete who breaks his arm the day before the biggest game of the season. I'm still the star, but I'm stuck on the bench.

Then Hubby's birthday is on the 21st and I've been TOLD that I'm not to get him anything. Hubby is the most important person in my life, yet I'm to ignore him on his birthday. Just say, "Happy Birthday" and leave it at that? I wasn't raised that way. Birthday's are big deals and not celebrating one is reserved for people I hate. But if I do celebrate it, then I have to put up with his bitching because he didn't get his way. EVERYBODY - don't send a card, don't call, don't write, and whatever you do, don't send a gift. That should make him happy.

Y'know, I'm not even going to say "Happy Birthday." I won't mention it's the day of his birth at all. In fact, I probably won't even come home. If he wants to ignore it that badly I'll stay in a hotel so he can wallow in his non-birthday celebrating bliss. It's just another cold, bleak, depressing day in St. Louis.

I hate February.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Why Do I Listen to You?

"I'm going to leave work early."
No, you're not.

"This will only take a minute."
No, it won't.

"No, I don't think it's the alternator."
Yes, it was.

And now, "No, I'll be up by then."
Well, you weren't.

Why do I ever listen to you? You're never right!

Friday, January 20, 2006


Just read about this. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Don't Say You Weren't Warned

I lock my car when I get in it.
I lock my car no matter where I get out of it.
I take a look around before I get out of my car to see if anything looks amiss.
I lock my doors at home no matter where I'm going or how long I'll be gone.
I lock the doors at home when I am inside.
I do not answer my door unless I know who it is. If you don't tell me, I'm calling the police.
I do not trust anyone.
I do not walk alone at night.
I do not talk to strangers.
I do not go into a stranger's car or house for any reason, and I do not put myself in situations that I can not easily get out of.
I look at my surroundings to see if anyone may be following me or just looks wrong.
If I see something I don't like, I alter my course.

My family makes fun of my paranoia. They think the world is just full of wonderful people and bad things just can't happen to us. Bad people look bad, you can trust anyone as long as they smile and ask about your grandkids.

My husband makes fun of my paranoia. He thinks it "cute". He amuses himself by telling me lies and playing around with my psyche.

Read this story and tell me how "cute" it is. I feel for Alison and I am so glad that she survived. However, it breaks my heart to know that all of this could have been avoided if she had JUST LOCKED HER DAMN DOORS!

And no, it doesn't matter that it happened over 10 years ago in Africa. This happens everywhere and it's happening right now. The only reason Alison's story ever became popular was because the two men who attacked her were out on bail for the exact same crime. It shook the judicial system down to the roots, but it wasn't because of what happened to her. Had a novice tried to kill her it probably wouldn't have made the front page.

Call me paranoid, but you'll never see me walking across a desert holding my intestines in a shirt.

A friend of mine, several years ago, was sitting in her car, light on, window open, digging through her purse. A man came up, reached through the window, grabbed her purse and ran away. Who's fault was it? His for taking an open opportunity, or her's for making herself such an easy target. She blamed herself, I gave her a good 50-50. If she had 1) gotten out of the car and went into her house to look through her purse, 2) rolled her window up, 3) kept the welcoming spot light off, or 4) paid attention to her surroundings, it would have never happened.

Now, am I saying that she asked for it? Hell no. But she made it pretty easy, didn't she? She dangled a big, fat steak in front of a hungry Pitbull and lost.

There are bad people out there.
They will hurt you for no reason.
You can die from something other than natural causes.
It is up to you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

In The News

Ladies, I think we've let the men run this country long enough.

Can someone say "Duh!"

Why are some of you out there so damn stupid? Honestly, how have you managed to stay alive this long? Your luck is going to run out, and I hope I'm there to kick you when you're down.


Friday, January 13, 2006


My Netscape went crazy and erased all my bookmarks. Torren? The Hun? Brains? All you guys, I've lost you! Please send me the link to your blogs, I can't find you guys anywhere. My memory just ain't that good.

I was lucky to find my own.

I made my first cartoon! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Alright, I'm over the little pity party I had yesterday. My stress levels have dropped considerably and soon I might be fit for human contact again. I deal with stress by getting angry. It doesn't make any sense and I know it, but them's the breaks. I do my best to keep a lid on it, and trust, I have come a long way. No lawsuits will result from my actions this time...

My mom is leaving today to go back home. I'm glad. I am thankful that my sister and I have a mother who is dedicated enough to come to our aid when we are down. She cares about us and there is nothing that she won't do for us. A lot of mother's are non-existent or just don't give a shit. I know I am lucky, but sometimes she makes me so frustrated I want to throttle her.

My sister had a bad time yesterday with her procedure. She's much better now and higher than a kite on all the drugs they gave her. By next week she should be good as new. She's doing well, last night we talked and laughed on the phone.

Today and tomorrow are the last two days of my busy season. Monday is a holiday. I plan on partying this weekend just because I can. As a bonus, I get free lunch on Tuesday. The hotel where I put all our interviewees is treating me. Yee-haw! Things are looking up.

Blessed be, everyone, and have a good day.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


How many things can go wrong today? I started off my morning with a prick in an Escalade cutting me off for no reason. Did you like the van that was in front of me so much you just had to crawl up it's ass? My retaliation road rage was very satisfying, but it did seem to set the tone for the rest of my day.

My Search candidate got lost this morning. He's 6'4", how could a hotel lose him. They insisted that he wasn't a guest. I made the reservation myself and he was there yesterday, what did you do with him overnight? A very rude desk clerk got the rough side of my tongue. What do you know, he managed to re-appear right before her very eyes. I hate looking like a dumb-ass, especially when I'm not there.

The restaurant that was supposed to deliver lunch today called and their van broke down, can I come get the food? Oh sure, let me just create an extra 30 minutes of time. My day is planned down to the very minute, this kind of unseen problem can ruin a whole day. Not to mention another instance of road rage is just laying around waiting to happen.

But I will survive.

I'm not sure about my mom, though. I talked to her this morning and she sounds like shit. I told her not to come to town. It's ridiculous for a sick old lady to drive seven hours just to drive a kid to school when a perfectly good relative lives six fucking blocks away. But hey, what do I know. She'll go home, get even sicker, have to pay more doctors for more medication, miss out on more work (thus, more pay), and generally screw herself two ways from Sunday.

Just another day...

Monday, January 09, 2006

Sad News

Last night my sister lost her baby. She's okay. My mom is driving up tomorrow to help out, sis has her DNC (is that right?) Wednesday. I'm bummed.

Things happen. Sometimes they are things that we don't like.

That's all I have to say right now.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Writeus Nomoreus!

I love Harry Potter. I jumped on the bandwagon a bit late, but I caught up quickly. I love the books and also the films. He's such a lovable character and the world he lives in is a creative and imaginative one. I love him!

I hate J.K. Rowling.

That bitch has everything she could ever want (i.e., no real job, plenty of free time, lots and lots of money). What takes her so damn long to write a freaking book? Oh, after she became famous I guess she was too busy having tea with the Queen and traveling all over the world to sit down and DO HER JOB!

I am a writer. If I am lucky enough to get a multi-book deal with a publisher and a public who loves my writing, I will not be conceited enough to make those fans wait YEARS between each book. What a lazy bitch. I read recently that she hasn't even started the last book. Why? What the hell does she have to do but write? Don't say she's a busy mommy, that tramp has a nanny. It's a vicious mean thing to do to make your fans wait so damn long for no reason. A lot of people would kill to have what she has. The fact that she throws it in everyone's faces is just a sign of how greedy and self-centered she is.

Then she tries to stick to her "Oh, I'm just a poor mother" crap. Bullshit, your a rich bitch now, get to fucking work!

It is the worst form of conceit to expect her fans to stick around when she is so lackadaisical in her writing. She knows that she will sell a book no matter how long it takes to write it and that is despicable to me. If you have a job, do it. No excuses, no procrastination. Once one is done, move on to the next. Don't take a two year vacation and then moan about how "hard" you're working.

I hate to see the end of Harry, but I will be glad to get rid of J.K.

If, no, when I begin to publish my books and if, no when, I get a huge following of fans I will never make them wait for my work. Look at Nora Roberts, she is one of the most popular American writers, also a mother, who churns out five books a year. Did Stephen King slack off in the height of his popularity? Even Jack Kerouac managed to publish a plenty and he was traveling all over the place.


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Miss Me?

I'm back, and this was one of the best holidays I've ever had. Was it the tons of unhealthy food I shoved down my pie-hole with gluttonous greed? No. Was it the copious amounts of alcohol that followed the food? No. It wasn't even the hours and hours of sleep I finally got due to both previously mentioned holidays habits. It was the fact that I lost a good amount of my past.

"Huh?" you're saying. Relax, I will 'splain.

My mother and father came into town this year for Christmas. It was nice. After the big to-do, my mom and I spent a day shopping. As you know, shopping at that level brings on a mighty appetite, so mom and I went to a place called Growler's and had a sandwich.

Somehow we got on the topic of my high school and I was not shy in the least about expressing how badly said high school sucked salty, chocolate balls. She told me that she had always had that small town, Mayberry fantasy and that's why we ended up in the fly-shit town we did. I told her one of the things that has bothered me for years - she picked that shitty-ass town because the shitty-ass school was perfect for my sister. Screw me, no, we had to do what was best for her. A small argument ensued, but it ended with my mother apologizing and saying that she "made a mistake."


Those words have never passed my mother's lips. Admitting she made a mistake is akin to the sun bursting and killing all of us planets in a heartbeat - it could happen, but the chances are slim. A twenty pound weight that I didn't even know I was holding fell off my shoulders and I saw my mom in a new light. She was just a girl trying to do her best.

Then, THEN, my mom goes and visits her mother, Mamaw. Mamaw has alzheimers and it is getting bad. In talking about the heinous, evil, argumentative, nasty attitude my Mamaw has, my mother said this:

"If I ever get like that, you girls have my permission to put us all out of our misery."

Me - "You were like that."

Mom - "WHAT?!"

Me - "When you went through menopause, you were just like that. I'm not saying we didn't have good times, but you were impossible to please and it sucked big time."

Mom - "Oh, you poor babies."

Finally, FINALLY, my mother is beginning to understand what living with her was like when she went through menopause. I think she'll begin to understand now why our relationship took such a nose dive all those years ago. That, and why it took so long to get back on track. It wasn't all me! I wasn't acting so much as reacting. It's an amazing step in our relationship now and I feel closer to her than I ever have. This is a major breakthrough, just ask anyone who knows me.

So I'm starting off the New Year with a good high. Coming back to work has dampened it a bit, but over all I am happy as a puppy with two peters. I hope y'all had a good time. Ta.