
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Goodbye, Terri

I certainly hope she finds more peace in death than she did in life. My heart goes out to her family. Whether I think they are right or wrong does not matter, for they are hurting now in a way I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Cross my heart and hope to....

The weather is getting warmer. The light of the sun is lasting longer. Do you know what this means? It means I am running out of excuses for not riding my bike. I've ridden only once this year so far. I went ten very long, very thirst-inducing miles with my sadistic husband behind me, shouting encouragements. Like that's going to help.

I started the day with hope. I put on my brand new sports bra, jersey, socks, those bike shorts, and my brand new tennis shoes. The pad in the shorts felt like I had a mattress stuck to my butt. Those shorts don't leave anything to the imagination. Now I know why my husband wears sweat pants over his. Anyway, we fill our little bottles with gatoraide and strap the bikes to the back of the car. It's a sunny, cool day. I remembered to bring my sunblock (because I burn like a marshmallow in a flame, let me tell ya).

We go downtown by the Arch and get ready for the ride. My husband rigged my iPod and earphones so that I'll have some music. He gave me a pair of gloves, strapped on my helmet, and off we went. The first mile was easy. The Mississippi river is right there, the view is nice, the pace isn't so bad. Then we reach the first hill.

My calves woke up and started yelling at me. I wanted to stand on my bike, but I was too afraid I'd lose my balance, so I did that weave-from-side-to-side maneuver like some demented dashboard toy. My hands were gripping the handle bars so tight my wrists hurt. Teeth gritted, muscles straining, I made it to the top and nearly collapsed with the effort. That was 10 feet of torture I never want to do again.

I'm too chicken to try and grab my drink bottle and ride at the same time. Once, a long time ago, a cousin of mine tried to do a trick on his bike and ended up doing a nose dive in the street. We picked gravel out of his face for hours. So I had to stop to drink. I have these screwy peddles that have an upper guard, you're supposed to slip your feet into them so as to double your efforts when you pedal. Yeah, right. Once I got one foot in, I had to wobble all over the trail trying to get the other in place. Gravity tends to make heavy parts go down, I couldn't flip the pedal up, insert my foot, watch the road, watch out for other riders, and keep my balance all at the same time. My husband was greatly amused, but had the good sense to keep it to himself.

That is how it went all day. Ride, stop, drink, wobble, nearly crash, and then ride again.

About mile three we encounter another hill, this one much longer and steeper than the first. I almost didn't make it. The only reason I did was trying to catch up with my husband so I could slap him on the back of the head. He actually enjoys this shit. By the time we hit mile number five I had forgotten what it was like to breathe. My lungs hurt, my mouth and throat were dry, I'd sucked up most of my gatoraide by then. I decide that's it, we're going back so I can burn everything I'm touching. The hill from hell did me in this time, I had to get off my bike and walk it up. No riding = no wind. I was on fire. I got back on and did the wobbly, pedal finding dance again.

I don't remember the rest of the ride. I think my mind shut off in order to spare me the trauma. All I could think was "Go, go, go, go, go." The faster we got back to the car the sooner I could collapse. Every doughnut, cheeseburger, and milkshake I'd ever had flashed before my eyes. I made a deal with every God and Goddess I could think of, "Please, just let me live through this."

I've never been so happy to see my husband's shit-brown Honda Accord. My feet hurt from my new shoes, I had a blister on one foot for sure. My calves were tight, it hurt to walk. In contrast, everything from my thighs to my breasts were numb. My arms and shoulders were tired from exerting so much force, and my ears were burnt because I had forgotten to put sunblock on them. My husband is standing before me grinning like a fool. If I'd had any energy, I'd have punched him. Then he says, "Honey, I'm so proud of you." Before I knew it I was grinning like a new puppy. To my surprise, the next day I was not sore at all. I couldn't seem to get enough liquid, though.

This weekend we're going to go riding again, some place new to me. Boy, can I contain my excitement? I just hope there won't be any damn hills.

Monday, March 28, 2005

The Final Countdown

I have heard a lot of people (myself among them) say that Terri Shiavo's parents are more interested in the publicity and attention their daughter's case is bringing them than they are about their daughter. It has been mostly speculation, but sadly now I know it is true.

From iwon.com: "Shiavo's mother, Mary Schindler, did not visit her daughter on Easter, emotions keeping her from the hospice for the first time since Terri's feeding tube was removed 10 days ago, said Paul O'Donnell, a Roman Catholic Franciscan monk and a family spokesman."

I understand the Friday before, her father spent a whole 15 minutes with her before heading back out to be with the protesters. I guess because there aren't any cameras allowed in the hospital.

How could a mother, any mother, not be at the side of their dying daughter during her last hours? Easter is a religious holiday, no? Haven't Terri's parents been beating the horse of religion to death for the last year and a half? Now, they stay home and leave their dying daughter to receive her last rites by herself? Where are they going to be when Terri finally breathes her last, giving an interview? Marching on the white house?

When Terri finally does die, what memories will they have?
"Oh, look, honey, here's a picture of us with all those protesters wearing tape across their mouths."
"What was Terri doing then?"
"Oh, I don't know. Oh, here, a picture of us with Jeb Bush."

Michael Shiavo has been villanized for his actions, yet Michael was by her side on Easter Sunday, wasn't he. If anyone should be scrutinized, it's her parents. Have them explain their actions. I bet when Terri does die it won't be the last we'll hear from them. They will go on every talk show and news show on earth to talk about how much they cared about Terri. I hope the first question out of every interviewers mouth is: "The more attention Terri case got, the less you stayed with her. Why is that?"

Friday, March 25, 2005

Blowing their Stacks

Conservative Christians in the south are protesting the IMAX movie "Volcanoes of the Deep Sea" because of its reference to evolution. Specifically, that "life may have evolved from bacteria able to live in the water around super-hot vents of deep-sea volcanoes." A lot of theaters said, "We're not taking the film literally for fear of the reaction of the audience," said Richard Lutz, a Rutgers University oceanographer who was chief scientist for "Volcanoes."*

Let me get this straight. A bunch of Christians from the bible belt don't want this film shown because it has factual and scientific information that life can be created by other means than, say, a non-proven, imaginary deity who may/may not have lived some thousands of years ago? Do I have this right? Basically, to get to a fine point, they don't like this film because it goes against their beliefs.


I hate the TV show "Law & Order" and all 27 of it's spin-offs. I think they treat viewers like they are the dumbest people on earth and aren't realistic in the slightest. However, when the show comes on, I simply change the channel. Just because it's on does not mean that I have to watch it.

But that's not what bothers me about this article. It's the fact that those loving, forgiving, God-fearing Christians have threatened violence and death to the owners of the theatre's who want to show this film. How in the hell is that following the word of God? I have read the bible, and in no part did I find "Ye shall be forgiven of acting like an ass in public as long as you say you are doing your violence in my name." If it's in there, I'd like someone to point it out.

Those peace loving, turn-the-other-cheek, love-they-neighbor Christians will turn into rabid pitbulls the moment they find someone who doesn't think like they do.

If you don't believe me, do this. Wear a dress with a pillow underneath it and drive to your nearest abortion clinic. Get out of your car and waddle towards the front door. See what happens. Will you be enveloped in a bubble of compassion and understanding? Will there be offers to help you cope with having a child? Will you find the outpouring of love and sympathy overwhelming.

Not likely.

Let's get back to the topic at hand. Lisa Buzzelli, who heads the Charleston IMAX theater in South Carolina, told the New York Times last week, "We have definitely a lot more creation public than evolution public. Being in the bible belt, the movie does have a lot to do with evolution, and we weigh that carefully."

Why? Do theaters worry about Muslims when they show movies that have cows in them? Do they worry about vegetarians when they show a film where people are eating meat? No. Oh, but the Christians, well, we have to bend over backwards and keep them happy. No, we don't. Show the damn movie, and if you as a Christian don't like it, then stay home. No one is making you see this film. Just because you don't like it doesn't give you the right to tell a business man how to make his money. Your OPINION does not matter. Everyone has an opinion, just like everyone has an asshole, and in most cases, both are full of shit.

The filmmaker, Stephen Low, said it best. "I think if you've got a nonprofit status as a science museum, keep it to science. Let the church across the street, another nonprofit, do their own thing. Don't mix the two."

*Quotes taken from an article found on iwon.com by David Germain.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Popular Consensus

I was watching Oprah yesterday (it's my dirty little secret that now everyone will know.) Her guest was Robin Givens. Now, I don't care about Robin Givens or Mike Tyson, but I remember when she became the most hated woman in America because she had the audacity to say that Mike Tyson was not well.

Fast forward 10 years. Two rapes, an ear bite, and lots of violent episodes later, the good ol' US is saying "Hey, you know, there might be something wrong with Mike Tyson." Robin had every right to get on that show and give this country the big finger, shouting "HA! I told you so!" She did not. I would have.

After the show there was another needless update on the Terri Shiavo case. I got to thinking about her poor husband, Mike Shiavo, and how he has taken Robin Given's place as the most hated person in America. At least, he's hated by the righteous religious and those mindless drones who think what the media tell them to think. Why would he continue this battle?

For the last fifteen years he has been embroiled in a bitter battle by two people who have come to hate him. He's poured God only knows how much money into this thing, been vilified by the media, I'm sure he's getting tons of hate mail, and has had his own government oppose him. Why? Why doesn't he just wash his hands of it, sign over guardianship, go about his life and get on with it?

Then it hit me. Maybe, just maybe, because he's right. His wife said she did not want to live as a vegetable. He has been trying to get her last wish granted for the last 15 years. How can we hate a man who loves his wife that much? There isn't any reason for him to do this, he isn't gaining anything by holding on. It's not his face you see splashed all over the media, it's not him giving interviews and hogging as much air time as he can.

But of' course, the media and our government want us to become involved in this. If we are too busy thinking about Terri, then we won't have time to think about other things.

Why our president lied to us...a lot.
What is happening to our troops dying in Iraq?
Why Donald Rumsfeld and the top brass won't be held responsible for any prison abuse.
Just how close are the Bin Ladin and Bush families, and how far will either side go to protect their assets?
Why is our welfare system so fucked up?
Why, in the year 200 and freaking 5, do women still get paid less than men?
Why did American troops kill and Italian agent in Iraq who had just rescued an Italian hostage?
Why, after 11,000 years, has Mount Kilimanjaro lost its snow cap in the LAST FIVE?
Why is this Michael Jackson trial so damn important?
How can the FCC get away with all the bullshit they've put Howard Stern through?
Why can terrorists still buy guns, legally, in the US?
Why does abortion get so much attention when its an issue that will never be resolved?
Why can't gays get married (and I want a logical reason, not some religious rhetoric).

Answer these questions and leave the Shiavo's alone. We have bigger issues here, people. Take off the blinders and take a good, long look around. While your at it, look up "Distraction" in the dictionary.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

American Dumbass

How hard is it to get a few phone numbers correct on a television show? My husband is a video/film editor and I happen to know it is not that hard at all. The information shown on the bottom of the screen during American Idol is already set and ready to go, all the editor has to do is cut and paste. I guess the chimpanzee they have working the controls at FOX didn't get his bananas for the day, so he revolted.

Terri Shiavo's second appeal was denied...oh, I'm sorry, Terri Shiavo's parents second appeal was denied. This doesn't have anything to do with Terri. My mistake. Polls show that most of America thought congress and the president getting involved with this case was wrong. Gives me hope that most of this country isn't brain dead. I wonder how Bush's polls are looking these days? If there was a re-election, would that lump of flesh still make it into the White House?

Here's a question: As Bush is the leader of this country, and leaders should lead by example, why aren't Jenna and Barbara serving in Iraq? If Bush forced his daughters to serve the country they so willingly sponge off of, I'd think a lot better of him. As it is now, we all know the wealthy will never die defending the country that pays their bills. Oh no, it's just us common folk that have to bear the burden. Those of us who don't get free health insurance, hefty salaries, great perks, and Get Out of Jail Free cards (like all those senators and such in Washington do).

Come to think of it, when this country goes to war, shouldn't the children of the people who run it go first? They have signed up to become public servants (sorry, can't stop laughing at that term), shouldn't their children be public servants as well?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

What happened to spanking?

When did spanking become such a taboo? I understand that parents are hesitant to spank their kids in public these days because too many self-righteous know-it-alls say its child abuse. Bullshit. A good spanking does a hell of a lot less damage than some other things. But what about at home? Why are parents refusing to spank kids at home?

A one year old child does not understand that you are "disappointed in their behavior." A one year old child does not understand a "time-out." A one year old child understands a good, solid smack on the ass. If they keep getting enough, they begin to understand that it is their behavior that is bringing the spanking about. It's called consequence and children today aren't taught it enough. Consequence is the second cousin to responsibility, something way too few children are taught at an early age.

Let me say that spanking are not just a form of punishment, per say, as much as a form of communication. Like animals, young children do not understand English, at least not right away. These parents who feel a time-out and a good talking-to constitute discipline are kidding themselves. You can talk to a child all day and you will get nowhere. For example, let's say a child can not play with a certain knick-knack because it will break. Let's say the kid is two years old. He picks up the item and you say "No, don't play with that." Over and over, all day. Or, after two or three times of telling him no, you take the item away and spank his ass. Which do you think is going to get through? If he gets spanked enough, he'll begin to understand that if he doesn't touch that item, he'll not get spanked. It's a learning experience.

I know what some of you are saying, hand to chest, mouth agape..."Are you suggesting I beat my child?!?" No. There is a distinct difference between a spanking and a beating. Those who don't know the difference are probably beating their children anyway. Let me define it for you so that everyone knows what I am talking about. 1 - 5 quick, hard slaps to the ass of a child constitutes a spanking. Usually, an arm of the child is being held to keep them in place. Not squeezed to the point of bruising or being torn out of the socket, but held firmly. As long as the child is being told why they are being spanked, they should grow up without needing therapy. Millions of people my age were spanked on a regular basis and we've all managed to become socially acceptable (ok, most of us).

I know, I know, I'm heartless because I'm actually insinuating that people spank their kids. Get over it. First of all, spanking is for younger kids. If you start spanking them early, you don't have to do it when they get older. The threat of being spanked will be enough to get them to behave. Second, most kids who get spanked are wearing diapers. I don't know if you remember being a kid, but a pee-filled diaper can repel the blow of a sledge hammer being swung by a professional wrestler. They don't feel the pain as much as the action. It's humiliating to be spanked. Kids don't like it, that's why it works so well.

There are worse things that parents can do than spank their kids. Give me an emotionally and mentally stable home that spanks their children any day over a home where the kids are mentally and emotionally abused but never spanked. Mind games and child rearing should not go together.

Spanking is a part of being a kid.

I'll leave you with this: Let's say it's a Friday afternoon and you have a three day weekend ahead of you. You know that if you leave work 15 minutes early your boss will give you...an evil look. He/she may even sigh and shake their head. Ouch. Are you still going to leave early?
Now, let's imagine that if your boss catches you leaving 15 minutes early....he'll spank you. Would you leave then?

Glad to be here

I just left my old blog station, the people who ran it liked to mess around with their bloggers just a bit too much.

I'm a simple girl from St. Louis who has a lot on her mind. Right now I'm watching the whole Terri Shiavo fiasco unfold. Why has the President gotten involved. If my family were having a dispute over one of our own, I'd like Congress, the Senate, and Old Bush to keep the hell out of it. It's none of their damn business. So now what, are they going to get involved every time a family has a dispute? Don't they have better things to worry about, like that little war going on over in Iraq. We have a homeless problem, AIDS is killing people, cancer has not been cured, terrorism has not been vanquished, our teachers live in poverty while our sports figures live in luxury, but God forbid Terri Shiavo should die. Who cares? In the scheme of things, my life is not effected by Terri Shiavo at all, but it is effected by the government thinking they can come in and tell me how to live.

What is happening to our country? We are being run by a government who feels religion is more important than common sense. Separation of Church and State, people. Our forefathers made it that way because they saw first-hand how a country ran by religion can go straight down the shitter. Everyone keeps saying how its God's will that Terri live. Oh yeah, you talk to him lately? I could have swore that he didn't make house calls. This is between her parents and her husband. End of story.

I'm so disappointed with this country. North Korea is stocking piling it's nuclear weapons and all we can talk about is what JLo is wearing. Most of the world views us as the Evil Empire and all we can do is talk about is who's getting kicked off Survivor. We stuff our faces with Ho-Hos and Ding-Dongs, then get insulted when other countries call us fat. We worship money, but don't consider ourselves greedy.

We elect a President who's in bed with the Bin Laudin family, then believe him when he says he's hunting for Osama. As long as Bush is in office, Osama will never come to justice. It would be bad business for the Bush family.
