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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Husbands + Shopping = Suck

Last night I made the mistake of taking my husband shopping with me. When I asked if he wanted to come he said yes, which surprised me, but I was happy to have him tag along. I wanted to spend some time with him. I had to go three places.

First stop was the $1 store. The moment we entered the building he shot off in all directions, leaving me alone to get the things I needed. Every few minutes he would stop by with an inventory of the store, asking me questions about things I didn't need, making me feel rushed, until I just wanted to check out in order for him to stop. Yeah, I was so glad to bring him along.

Next was Target. I was buying underwear. While he didn't leave me this time he did stand beside me and act like a 13-year-old being forced to watch his parents have sex. He wouldn't hold the panties while I looked at something else, he had to go get a basket, because GOD FORBID he should touch clean, unused, perfectly harmless panties.

It was pretty clear if I wanted any input on anything I was shit out of luck. So off we went to Spencers. Luckily it was a small store. Unluckily I still managed to lose him because by the Goddess it was just too much to ask him to stay in one fucking place and actually talk to me. I had to wander the store for a few minutes after I checked out because I couldn't find him. By the time we got back to the car I just wanted to go home. So much for together time, next time I'm leaving his ass at home.

And people wonder why I don't have children.