
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

And the Fun Continues (Oh, yeah, that's sarcasm)

I had one hell of a weekend. I didn't post anything yesterday because I was still pretty pissed off by it.

On Friday my husband calls me and says he needs to go to the hospital. He's 30 minutes away from me and only 3 minutes away from a hospital, but he wants me to drive all the way there (during rush hour on a Friday before a holiday, no less) and take him to a hospital because he is in pain. Doesn't tell me what the pain is or what's going on, mind you, just that he's in pain. I finally convince him to not wait for me (because I had to stop and get gas on top of everything else) and then spend the better part of an hour living out my very worst fear/nightmare.

It turned out to be kidney stones, in less than 3 hours we left the ER. As far as he was concerned the terror was over.

Not so with me. I didn't sleep at all Friday night and Sat. and Sun. weren't much better. Just so you know doing that to someone you love is a SHITTY THING TO DO. So I've come up with a quick guide for those of you who ever find yourself in this situation.

If you are at work and suddenly find yourself in pain take the following steps:
1. Call a fucking ambulance.
2. If an ambulance is not needed, kindly ask one of your co-workers to drive you to the ER.
3. Meet with a doctor and find out what is wrong, how it can be fixed, and how long it's going to take.
4. Once the information in #3 has been attained, call your significant other and in calm tones tell him/her what is going on, where they can find you, and if your going to die.

Following these steps will save you and your loved one days of agony and months of therapy. Letting someone you love think that you are dying is a horrible, cruel, heartless thing to do. I know you may be in pain but that is no excuse to stop using your brain. You will also receive more sympathy and not resentment if you follow these simple steps.

The rest of the weekend was pretty much turned to shit after Friday's adventures. Isn't it close to being 2007 yet? 2006 has sucked balls.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Assholes in the News

"We're shocked!"
What's so shocking, the fact that you'll actually be held accountable for your actions, or that you're pricey lawyers didn't succeed in getting you off? Welcome to the real world, gentlemen, I hope you both rot in prison.

Hmmm, seems the little infant in the White House has learned that stick and stones may break bones, but words will bury you. Have you ever wondered how Egghead was raised? Obviously his parents didn't teach him that there are some things in life you can't take back. They didn't teach him responsibility or accountability, either. And they think Jeb Bush will be president in a few years. RIGHT!

I've said it for years and I'll say it until I'm dead, "Some people should die."

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Creatures of Habit, or Slaves?

I picked up my new glasses this Saturday. Usually when I wear glasses they are sun glasses. Getting used to these has been interesting. I really need to find a pair of clip on sunglasses because going out in the sun is choresom.

When I walked across campus to get my lunch today my eyes started watering so bad I have salt trails on my cheeks, leaving me to stagger around in the sunlight. Then, when I finally make it into the cool sweetness of dark, I shifted my glasses to the top of my head. It's what I do with my sunglasses, only doing so with my sunglasses does not leave me blind. The nose peice got tangle in my hair and I ended up ripping about 7 of them out. So now I'm fumbling, crying, and cursing my hair to high heaven. And I still get to look forward to the journey back to my office.

Wouldn't you know it, when I got back to my building I did the same exact thing! What is wrong with me? By the end of the day I'm going to have a frontal bald spot and burned retinas.

I have to say, though, that these are some pretty snazzy glasses.

Monday, May 22, 2006

So It Begins!

We went riding for the first time yesterday. It felt good to get on the bike and exercise my body for a while. I've forgotten how much I enjoy riding with my husband. Just the two of us peddling along, the wind in our ears, the sun in our faces (mine lathered with sun block of'course), and no one else around. The people you pass wave or nod, it's a nice thing. We did 18 miles yesterday and we both felt great afterwards.

Then I sat down last night and my butt reminded me how much it hates that little bicycle seat. This morning my neck and back reminded me of how I should stretch more before I go riding. Oh well, small price to pay.

Oh NO! I can't believe Barbaro broke his leg! Poor baby, he's only three and already his racing career has come to an end. Now he just gets to hang around with mares for the rest of his life. Tough break.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Never, ever, EVER use H&R Block!

In 1997 H&R Block did my taxes and made many errors. Due to this I have had to pay well over $2, 638 in fees and penalties because of their errors. H&R Block does not take any responsibility for their incompetent employees. I thought I was a rare instance, but apparently I am not. Just go here and read how others were screwed over by H&R Block as well.

I know tax season is over this year, but next year BEWARE!! Don't spend one dime on H&R Block, even if they've done a good job for you in the past. The fact that they screw people over on a regular basis should be enough to make you move. It's only a matter of time before they get you, too.

They say they are the number one tax preparer in the country, but they miscalculated their own taxes by $32 million dollars. Oh, and they are being sued for fraud. Trustworthy? Hardly. I won't be happy until I see every H&R Block with a big CLOSED sign on the door.

I need your help.

I have mixed emotions about this.

On one hand I understand why the movie was made. We as humans want answers to everything, even questions that don't have true answers. We are obsessed with understanding every facet of a problem or disaster, we want to know WHY. We want it picked apart and explained to us in ways that make it okay to accept it.

On the other hand I feel Hollywood is dragging the dead bodies of those that died in the World Trade Towers and selling peeks, just like a side show. How painful this must be for the thousands of people still trying to pick up and live after such a tragic event. Why don't the Hollywood assholes that approved this thing just take knives and stab every survivor in the eye. Why don't they just slap around the widows and widowers and get it over with.

There have been some pretty painful events in my own life and the last thing I would want is a 2+ hour movie showing it over and over and over again. However, I have revisited a place where something tragic took place and I felt better for it. Leaving the past behind is a lot easier to do when you realize the past doesn't hang around the last place you saw it. Buildings are just buildings, grass is just grass. So I don't know how to feel about this.

What do you think?

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I'm in a bad mood, so I thought I would share it.

Hey, Mormons, still looking for a sign from God that you are the divine people? Well, here it is!

Women like this are the reason rape is not considered a major crime in this country. She should be taken out and shot full of holes.

What? What? You mean these animals are wild? They're not just cute and fuzzy for our express entertainment, they actually have their own thoughts? We're shocked!

Who cares? Who FREAKING CARES?! You're both spoiled freaks with no major links to the real world. Go snort some more coke and forget about each other. Go steal another woman's husband to make yourself feel better. Play in the street and get run over, I don't care, just stay out of the news! You're taking away Tom Cruises air time.

Yeah, I'm a woman, and we get pissed off and angry for no reason whatsoever, and it doesn't have a damn thing to do with our periods. So when you act a fool with a woman in this mood you're going to get your head ripped off. Thems the breaks, deal with it. (No, honey, I don't mean you.)

Friday, May 12, 2006

The cat has had enough. Posted by Picasa

Camera shy. Posted by Picasa

This couch isn't big enough for the both of us. Posted by Picasa

The only known photo of DEMON DOG!! Posted by Picasa

My beautiful baby! Posted by Picasa

This World

Is so screwed up. It's so SCREWED. I can't believe what is happening to our government, to our population, to our resources. Hundreds of penguins wash up on a beach coated in crude and no one seems to know where the oil came from. That makes me feel secure. President Egghead is pushing through his nominations even though the whole freaking country is against it. The phone companies are giving up our records without so much as a though of fighting. But the top story? Tom "Crazy-ass" Cruise.

It makes me want to pack up my family and move to the mountains. I'll live off berries and weeds if it means I don't have to put up with this world anymore. Yeah, I'll miss a few things, but I'll probably live a long, happy life...as long as I can figure out how to brew beer or make my own wine.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Love in the Wild

Let's get it on (Do-do-do, dee do da).

You can't be serious! You just can't. History's most hated president actually thinks his dumb-ass brother will win a presidential election? Has anyone told him of his latest approval rating? Someone smack some sense into the boy...this is the man who hosted that whole Terri Shiavo fiasco, remember? Do you want a man who thinks its his business telling others how to live (and making laws fit around that purpose) running the country? We've had enough dumb-asses in the White House, thank you.

Y'know, it's the simple things in life that matter. I received a free bagel this morning and it has made my day. Graduation will take place soon and all the little committees and organizations are having all sorts of going away parties. I was walking through my building and saw the set up but ignored it. One of the workers asked if I wanted a bagel.
"Oh, I'm not with this group." I said.
"Are you with Chemistry?"
"Yes, but-"
"Then have a bagel. Cream cheese is over there."
Woo-hoo! What a way to start the day.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Just a Hint

For you guys out there who like to play video games and have a wife/girlfriend, let me tell you something. When said wife asks you to help her with something don't tell her, "Wait, I have to get my guy to the Inn." Get up and see what she needs right then and there. Why?

Because your wife is real, flesh and blood, and able to make your life a living hell.

Your "guy" is not real. He is a pixelated robot. He does not exist. If he dies, so what? He can come right back and pick up where you left off. Oh, so you may have to repeat a few things, but so what? It's a game. Got that, a game. It will end one of these days. If you don't want spending time with your wife to end, GET OFF YOUR FUCKING ASS!!!!

Have a good day.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Back to the Living

It was a really nice week this week. I spent a large portion of it with my family. I heard a lot of stories from a lot of people that just confirmed the fact that my Papaw was a good man. Burying someone you love is never fun, but with the addition of the Kentucky Derby it did make for an interesting time. My Papaw lived in Louisville, KY.

My Mamaw is another story. The only way to prove to her that she can't live alone is to let her live alone. I'm glad to finally figure out where all my stubbornness came from. We're keeping a close eye on her and took away her car keys.

Thanks to everyone for their warm wishes (except that asshole that pasted an add into my comments. How cold hearted can you get?). Anyway, Mr. & Mrs. The Hun - thank you for you card. It made my day and I miss you guys.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

At 10:30am on Monday morning my Papaw passed away. The funeral is Friday. I don't have much else to say.