
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I'm not picking on Christians....But....

Those of you who insist Christianity is non-violent and loving, read this.

Nailing teenage boys and girls to crosses on Good Friday sounds a bit, oh, CRAZY! I haven't read the bible front to back, but didn't God nail his kid to the cross so we wouldn't have to?

Then we have this family, who let their little girl die instead of getting medical treatment because they believed praying over her would cure her. Fucking idiots! If God wanted prayer to work he wouldn't have created medicine and doctors, right? I mean, that's not how I look at it but we're not dealing with a couple of scholars here. Nowhere in the bible have I seen "seeking medical attention for your children is a sin." C'mon! How are people this stupid even allowed to breed? I guess they think letting their little girl suffer unimaginable pain and dying a slow, agonizing death will get them into heaven.

Monday, March 24, 2008

What a Weekend!

It was a stellar weekend for the Barbarian, boy! Friday night me and the roller girls were invited to the City Museum to help with security for the Trip Daddys concert. Don, the owner, was very nice and is so easy to work with. He's recently opened the circus room on the 3rd floor to bands. Admission to the concert is free with the price of admission to the museum. There weren't a lot of people at the concert but it was 1) Good Friday,and 2) spring break. The best part was I could skate this time! The concrete floor was magnificent!! It was soooo nice skirting around the pillards and concrete barriers going as fast as I could. I loved it. The concert was nice but the Wheach beer from O'Fallon brewery was super-yummy. Wheat beer with a slight peach flavor. So good.

Saturday was the season-opener for the Roller Girls, Smashinistas vs. Stunt Devils. I was bout director for the first time and nervous as hell about it. Everything went off without a hitch! Man, it was so much fun. There was a fabulous VIP party beforehand that offered some tasty vitals (I snuck up there to mooch, it was a long night). We raised $451 from our raffle to give to our chosen charity, Safe Connections. Over 800 people came to watch. The Stunts (of whom I am a temporary member) kicked ass, the final score was 51 - 84. The after party was so much fun, I haven't danced like that in ages. Everyone had a great time, it ran smoothly, and my team swept the floor with the Smashinistas. My feet hurt, I was starving and tired, but I didn't care. I heard at the end of the party some fan stole our ice sculpture (?). Wonder what that was all about?

Then Sunday I got to concentrate on my friend Issy. She has finally broken through the wall of fog she's been living with the last 8 years and realized her boyfriend just might be a big 'ol piece of shit. It was nice talking to her and being able to tell her a few things I've been bottling up. They weren't easy to say, and I'm sure they weren't easy to hear, but we needed to get them out there. All the drama that she's been living with, all the useless stress.

Sunday night I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Songs Stuck in Head

You know how you'll bet a song in your head that you can't get out, and you don't know the real lyrics, so to save your sanity you start to make them up? Today's song is "With You" by Chris Brown.

"I need you, Boo
Gotta have you, Boo

Hey little cutie
Come and talk to me
I heard it from your friend that you like it up the booty

There are farts all over the world tonight
Yes, farts all over the world tonight."

Happy Good Friday!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Vote for CHANGE!!!

Yet another story about Bush III, oh, excuse me, John McCain showing his true colors before the election.

Republicans are out of touch with the American people and America itself. They have no idea how this country is doing, they are secluded behind a wall of political protection that blinds them from the truth. If you want this country to continue it's one-way track down the toilet then by all means vote for this asshole.

If you want this country to go in another direction then vote for someone else.

A mistake happens once. To repeat the same "mistake" again shows one's true character.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I had the funkiest dream last night. I was with two friends and we were out shopping. I saw this really cute bag and when I looked inside there was a tiny little albino alligator living in it. I called my friends over and got my camera to take a picture of it. When I bent down to snap the photo the thing jumped on my face and crawled into my eye! I could feel it moving around on top of my eyeball. I begged my friends to get it out but they thought it best to let it come out on its own (claws). I could feel the pain! I ran home to see if my husband would help. When I got home the thing crawled down the side of my eye and stuck a leg out. I grabbed it's leg and pulled it out, then tossed it to my dog. That'll teach it!

When I woke up this morning I felt my eye. Then I thought, "I feel the pain. Oh no, some bug crawled into my eye last night and laid little eggs on the top of my eyeball! In a few days little bugs are going to crawl out of my eye!" Then I woke up fully and realized I'm a dufus.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Text Messaging

I hate text messaging lingo. If you want me to meet you at 8 for drinks at the Blarney Stone then type in:

Blarney Stone


N E 1 BlRny Stne 8?

Give me a fucking break, I didn't even know what to think of that shit. When did our language get reduced to it's letters and numbers? I learned late was spelled l-a-t-e, not L8. Are you is just that, a-r-e y-o-u. Not RU. We're raising a generation of dumbasses, people. A few more births and our kids won't even know how to pronounce whole words, much less write them down. I hear English teachers are having problems with kids turning in their papers written in text form. F! Big fat F, and no amount of parent bitchery would make me change it.

It's funny how hard this country fights to outlaw other languages (except maybe spanish). "If you want to live in this country you got to speak the language!" Rednecks yell. But we'll support this text message shit in a heartbeat, won't we?

Anyone who uses text messaging with me out of context is going to get a big, real, unabbreviated smack in the face.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Dear Creators of LOST:


Honestly, where are you going? You DO realize that your audience isn't privy to all the things rattling around in your heads, right? And that said audience needs a little more information for any of these craptastic episodes to MAKE SENSE!!!

Oh look, a shark! You guys ready to jump?

If I ever see you on the street I'm running your ass over, then I'm backing up and doing it again.

The Barbarian

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lying Already

McCain isn't even close to the Whitehouse yet and already he's lying and trying to swindle the US.

I don't care who you vote for this year, just don't vote Republican. These last 8 years have fucked this country so hard we may never recover, another 4 years under Republican control could very well put a lot of us in our grave.

Friday, March 07, 2008


Change ain't easy. If you want change, you're going to have to work for it. Some of you know me and the type of person I am. I can honestly say I am happy now. Many years ago that was not the case.

Years ago I was living with a deadbeat, I had a terrible relationship with my family, I had no direction in ways of a career, and I didn't take care of myself at all. Now I have a perfect mate, a wonderful job, a great relationship with my family, and I am in the best shape of my life. How did I get here? It wasn't easy, I had to work for it.

When I finally dumped my loser boyfriend I thought my world had come to an end. Not only had I wasted the last 5 years of my life, but I was sure I would never find anyone else. I cried myself to sleep for weeks, I second-guessed my decision every day, and even when I hooked up with others I always thought about running back to my ex. In fact, I did. When I moved to Savannah and started living with my future husband I couldn't take it and I ran back to loser-boy in a heartbeat. It was then I understood loser-boy hadn't changed a bit. My being with or without him didn't affect him in the slightest. His issues didn't have anything to do with me. He was an immature, selfish, and abusive jerk no matter what I said or did. And he wasn't going to change, not even for me. I had put all my happiness and future in the hands of a careless asshole. The drive back to Savannah was humiliating and loooooooooong. But by the time I got back I realized I was done with him and everything he brought with him. Was my life great? No.

Without loser-boy in my way I started to find myself. I was an empty shell. I had filled myself up with loser-boy and once I'd dumped him for good I had nothing. I was depressed and lost. I jumped from job to job and thought about all my failures. But an interesting thing happened. The void loser-boy left in me began to fill with the life I was building without him. I met people who changed my way of thinking, something that would never have happened had I still been with loser-boy. I found I had my own likes and dislikes. I could do what I wanted without having to explain myself, or feel guilty about it, or have to include loser-boy (who never wanted to do anything). There was a whole world out there!

Life was still hard, I didn't become happy overnight. I still had a crappy relationship with my family and my jobs were less than satisfying. But not having to come home to chaos made the rest of my issues easier to deal with. I didn't have to solve his problems, I could concentrate on my own. Loser-boy was afraid of change and things unknown, therefore he had made me afraid as well. With that fear gone I discovered things I liked to do. I got in touch with the young girl hiding inside of me and asked her, "What do you want to do?"

Over the next few years I worked jobs I really liked (and some I did not). I felt I was floating around without direction, just earning a paycheck to pay the bills. Then I started working for the Savannah College of Art and Design and discovered I loved the academic world. It was a decision that charted the course of my future. Look where I am now, working at a university. Had I not taken a few chances I would never have discovered this. There were times I didn't have health insurance. There were times I came home crying because I hated my job so much. But I pushed on, when I didn't like a job I found another. And another. And I kept going until I found the one I liked. It wasn't easy, but the payoff was worth it.

Having a positive, happy home to come to didn't hurt, either.

So I had a great relationship and a nice job, but my family life was still a mess. My mother could push me over the edge with just a few words. My sister was MIA. And my father was, well, actually my father was the same. He and I have always gotten along, but not being able to stand my mother pushed my father away from me as well. I had to shit or get off the pot. I had issues with my mom and they weren't going to be resolved if I didn't do something about it. I had to decide to either try and fix the problems, or cut my mother out of my life all together. I didn't know which way it would go, but I was willing to take the risk in order to better my life. So I had the painful, awful conversation with my mom in which I told her exactly how I felt. Did things change overnight? No, but that one conversation blew open the door for many, many more and through those conversations my mom and I began to rebuild our relations. Now, 8 years later, my mom is one of my best friends.

My transformation from loser-boy's punching bag to strong, happy woman took years. At times it was so hard I thought about suicide. I berated myself so badly for choices I'd made. Buckets of tears were shed. There were times I didn't know where my next meal would come from or if I'd be able to put gas in my car. But there were also times that I would be so happy I was sure my skin would burst. I found friends who brightened my life. I found happiness in myself that no one could take away. My core was finally just that, MINE! No matter what was going on around me I knew I had a solid foundation because I'd been through the flames many times but I was still standing.

So when I say change can happen, I know what I'm talking about. When I say making those changes are hard, I know what I'm talking about. Fear, uncertainty, guilt, confusion, and hopelessness spent many nights in my bed. But when I say it's worth it, I damn well know what I'm talking about.

If you want change, you have to work for it. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.