Hello. I am not dead. Just very, very busy.
I have some issues I'd like to talk about. A friend of mine asked if I was going to comment on this whole Cult thing. You know, the compound was raided and the men tucked their tails between their legs and ran. Seems they are big men when it comes to raping and brainwashing little girls, but when the real shit hits the fan they start acting like a bunch of pussies. Anyway, now their children are being taken away from the mothers.
I don't agree with that. Are they brainwashed? Yes. Will they have problems adjusting to a new life being thrust on them by a judgmental society? Yes. That's enough trouble without seperating them from the only family they have and putting them in our foster care system.
Hello, haven't you heard about all the children dying, disappearing, and being horribly abused in our foster care system? You might as well bring the sect leaders back and start the rapings again.
The mothers of these children need just as much help as the children. Being raised a certain way, they might not know the extent of the damage. Ripping them out of their lifestyle, splashing their faces all over the news, exposing them to a cold society who will do nothing but treat them like criminals and freaks
might not be the best way to deal with it. Then to take away their children, whom I'm sure they love, well, that just seems a bit much. If you took my child away, well, I'd just have to hate you.
And in hating you I'd turn to the dark side and do everything I could to hurt you as much as you've hurt me. Yep, it's the American way!
Closer to home, I'm skating again. I am at 100%. As such, I am bouting with the veteran girls who make me feel like I am a slug going against a woodpecker. S-l-o-w and s-u-c-k-y. Yeah, there have been a few tears, but they tell me I am doing a good job. Everyone has to go through the "Why the hell did I ever think I could do this?" breakdown before bucking up and trying again. Last night was particularly bad.
In derby there is a thing called a hip whip. One skater (the whiper) who might be behind another skater grabs onto that other girl's hip and pulls herself into position in front of the whipee. At least, that is how it's supposed to work. Last night Overland Offender grabbed my hips and instead of whipping herself in front of me she completely turned me around. Have I mentioned how fast we go? Really fast. In one direction. When you find yourself facing the opposite direction all you see are helmets and elbows coming at you at around 30mph. I prayed that nothing would get broken as Love Punchin' slammed into me and we fell to the floor in a heap of arms and legs. Not my best moment. But hey, everyone else got a good laugh out of it so there you go.
We have a new roller girl, I'll just call her TEB. TEB is from Arizona and I have not liked her from the very moment I set eyes on her. I can't explain it, she's been nothing but nice, but being near her makes my skin crawl. She is from a derby league that's ranked 7 in the nation. Very impressive. My derby league is not even ranked. Last night at the end of practice she had a minor explosion, telling us we were nothing but back-blocks, elbow hits, and tripping and that it need to "Fucking stop!"
And then it hit me - she's crazy. I don't deal with crazy very well. My "crazy meter" was trying to tell me but I just wouldn't listen. So I'll be avoiding TEB at all costs. I handle crazy by getting rid of it, and I have no intention of going to jail.
My friend Issy is still living with us. She and I looked at a darling house on Sunday that I think she's going to take. It is big, has a lot of new stuff (floors, windows, so on) and a huge yard. It's only $500 a month! If I were looking I would have put money on it the day I saw it. I hope she'll be very happy there.
Gotta go.