
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ho, Ho, Holiday

Join the Arch Rival Roller Girls on December 6th @ FUBAR for a Christmas party like no other!

Sexy Santas ~ Kissing Booth ~ Raffle

Live music by
My Boy Ox
The Blind Eyes
& Trigger 5

Ho! Ho! Ho!

A new Day

Me, Myself and I
That's all I got in the end
That's what I found out
And it ain't no need to cry
I took a vow that from now on
I'm gonna be my own best friend

Friday, November 21, 2008


Man, oh man! A lot of my roller derby girls are losing their jobs, or having a significant other lose their jobs. Some have large portfolios that are dwindling down to pennies on the dollar. They all have mortgages, car payments, kids in school (well, some of them).

It's fucking scary. It also breaks my heart. I can't do anything for any of them. My university is feeling the pinch as well, they've put a freeze on new hires. Our Chancellor (whom I adore, by the way) is taking a huge pay cut in order to keep jobs. They've also put a hold on future construction projects, I had to check and make sure hell hadn't frozen over on that one. there is nothing, NOTHING, my university likes more than new construction.

The fear of what may happen if our economy doesn't bounce back is creeping in. I'm having worries I never thought I'd have. I'm paying more attention to my grandmother, she lived through the Depression. I'm putting aside more cash "just in case." I don't trust our institutions to have our best interests at heart should something catastrophic come up.

But hey, at least we all get a free Dr. Pepper!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's That Time Again

The Barbarian is depressed. Always happens around this time of year, I'm not sure why. I'm feeling ignored and discarded by the husband again. World of Warcraft came out with a new expansion pack. I knew it was coming so it's not much of a surprise. My work load has dwindled so I find myself with lots of time, and derby is on break. and I've been sick for the last three weeks!

I don't know, I just start thinking about all the things I could be doing with my life. I go back over all the decisions I've made in my life and wonder if I've made the right choices. Should I have given the Peace Corps a try? What if I had traveled more when I was younger? What if I had gone to college instead of joining the work force so early? Who would I have met? What kind of adventures could I have had?

I don't regret my life, I want you to know that. But....there is this wonder. Did you ever see that Star Trek: The Next Generation episode where Worf, the Klingon, falls into some sort of parallel universe and sees many different Worfs, all living the life he would have had if he'd made different choices. In one he was Captain. In one he was married to Deanna and had kids. In one he was an enemy of the Fleet.

I'd like to see that, just for a few moments. I imagine some of them would not be a surprise. Others, though...

I guess I'm feeling unproductive. I'm 36 years old, when I was younger I thought by now I'd be wealthy and successful, have traveled all over the world, and I'd have lots and lots of friends. I'd be married to a man who would do everything with me and we'd have lots of crazy adventures. I'd have a really nice car and a great home. My job would be unbeleivably satisfying. You know, the old song and dance about 1 billion of us want.

I haven't written anything in months. This bothers me. I sit in front of the computer and nothing wants to come out. I seek diversions to take my time, but it's always in the back of my mind. Hundreds of stories fighting for dominance, none of them getting the final bell. *sigh*

Changes are coming, I know. They always do. Good or bad, changes are coming.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

File this under: Tell Us Something We Don't Know

Hey, it's official, Gulf War Illness is real.

Wow, really? So we the public (who has been telling you assholes in government and military this for a loooooong time) are right once again. What's going to be next, you'll actually report the suicide rate for soldiers returning from Iraq is up?

I just love how it isn't official until sooooooooo much evidence has been collected that only a moronic douche bag would argue against it. 175,000 soliders. It took 175,000 soldiers to convince the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses that this shit was real. I guess 174,000 just wasn't enough. People have been seeking help and fighting the govornment for years, I hope this finally gives them the help they need in order to move on.

But isn't that just like our country? Thanks for the service! Sorry about the nightmares, cold sweats, crazy thoughts, and physical pain you've indured, but that's your problem, not ours.
What? What's that? 175,000, you say? Well, then we might just possibly have an issue. Maybe. We'll spend a few more years looking into it.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

More Klan News

I've been seeing a lot of news about the Klan lately. The body of a woman found in a ditch, a Klan leader's house raided, and then this. Seems the KKK is about to be sued.

Could the fact we've elected our first black president have anything to do with this? I wonder!

I have a feeling we'll be hearing a lot more from the Klan once Obama is in charge. I certainly hope they come out in droves, it's so hard to hunt them down when they scurry around like cockroaches. And they should be hunted. They give the rest of us Whities a bad name. Not all of us are like that. A good deal of us realize how immature and idiotic it is to wish death upon those who are not like us.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

File this under "Get Over It!"

Enough, shallow Hollywood bitches, enough.

Look, it's never pretty when a woman steals another woman's man, but it's extra ugly when that thief is absolutely beautiful.  Ok, Jennifer, we understand that you're still pissed the hottest guy on the planet slipped through your perfectly manicured fingers, but it's time to get over it, ok?  It's not Angelina's fault the press smears your pathetic love life all over the media and clamors all over Ang and Brad to hear about theirs.  Unlike you, they try to keep it under wraps.  

Ang is more than welcome to share her love-life with Vogue magazine.  If that happens to include the time when you and Brad were married then you're just going to have to suck it up.  If Brad was 100% happy in his marriage he would have never fell for Ang in the first place.  Perhaps your bitterness is misplaced.  Instead of taking pathetic kitten swipes at Ang you should funnel your hisses at Brad.  

And take some responsibility while you're at it.  A perfectly happy, loved, adored man does not jump ship.  A man who feels he is being under-appreciated, ignored, taken for granted, and denied will jump ship.  Seeing how he's been happy with Ang and you seem to break up with every guy you date, you might want to address your own problems before you try to create problems with others.

This is not news.  This is bullshit.  Get over it and move on.  Last week this country made fucking history, and today you're whining is top news?  Perfect example of what is wrong with this country.  

Keep your bitchin in the kitchen!

Friday, November 07, 2008


My husband has been working on a new computer for the last few months. He ordered all the separate parts and spent a whole week putting the thing together, only to find it didn't' work. He worked, adjusted, wiggled, and replaced so much he was at the point of dismantling it and selling it for parts.

Then the new motherboard arrived, and (chorus singing) it worked! Not since the doc brought Frankenstein back from the dead has a man been so happy.

Once it came to life my husband reverted to age 12. He bounced around the house clapping, singing, snapping his fingers, and kissing the dog. He's been giggly. And for the last two night I've barely seen him. I can't be mad, though. To see his happy, smiling face when he does emerge from the office is worth it.

It's also a reminder that men never grow up. They may pretend for a long time, but in every man there is a boy just waiting, waiting, for play time.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


My sister emailed me and asked, “What’s up with your blog?” I guess I didn’t come across as happy yesterday. That wasn’t my intention. Let me explain.

No, no time, let me sum up.

We still have a long road ahead of us. Unless you’re a tsunami, massive change takes time. And let’s face it, we need massive change.

If Obama declared this country would switch to a national health care plan tomorrow, we wouldn’t see the benefits right away. The health care industry would have the biggest collective shit in history. There would be road blocks and filibusters and all sorts of legal battles, they’d want the President impeached, they'd throw hookers though is window and then call the paparazzi, and the media would have a fucking field day with all of it. Why? Because this is how our society operates. We put up with the road blocks, the filibusters, the legal battles are splashed all over the media, and half this country can’t tell you where Afghanistan is, but they’d know the name of that hooker tossed through Obama’s window.

We have the best change in history to turn this country around, to fix our health care industry, to educate our youth, to overhaul our political systems, and to make this a better country for ourselves.

But it’s going to be hard work. We’re going to have to put down the Enquirers and People magazines and pick up a copy of the constitution. We’re going to have to hold those who put this country in the crapper responsible for what they’ve done. (We need to expose the major corporations for the bribing, lying, corrupt sacks of shit they are. We need to expose the crooked politicians. We need to bring our boys home from Iraq and make those private contractors pay them for the jobs they stole.) On and on, we need some fixing.

Yes, I’m very happy with the way the election ended. Very. But we have many miles to go before we sleep, my friends. Many.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

And So It Begins

History is being made today. That's what they say. It's true. Today I felt like I was a small part of something so big I can't comprehend it.

But I'm scared. There are so many unanswered questions about our future. If Obama wins, what will he do? Will he keep his promises? Or will his blood run red down the street like so many before him and we'll be left with Biden? What if McCain wins? Will the country spontaneously combust into fits of violence? Will there be a mass exodus from this country, or will we just roll over and bury our heads in the sand for the next 4 years.

And what of the world? How is the outcome of this election going to change the world? Will it? For good? For bad? Will the changes that take place benefit this country?


So history is being made, but what of the future? We'll have to wait and see.

(On a side note, if Obama wins I have a co-worker who's face I will constantly rub in that fact.)