Don't Get Sucked Into the Drama
Don't listen to a word of it.
These are diversions, people, from the real issues that plague us every day. See, politicians know that issues like abortion, gay marriage, immigration, and so on are smoke screens to keep us, the American public, from focusing on what is important. Issues such as these will never be solved. Understand? Never. They will be discussed for generations to come and there will never be a conclusion. But they are hot, and as such will be discussed hotly.
It doesn't matter. No matter how loud you yell or how many people are killed on each side the issue will NEVER be resolved.
So move past the smoke screen and demand these politicians talk about things that do matter. What are they going to do about the rising gas prices? When are they going to stop sleeping with car manufacturers and do something about the harmful emissions that are destroying this planet?
Americans are dying every day because they can't afford health care. Our government doesn't care about this, most of them are on the insurance providers payroll. Doesn't that make you mad? Sure as hell makes me angry.
What's killing off the honey bees? If the bees die so do over 70% of our crops, think that might be a hot issue?
The price of corn is going up because we are using it for alternative fuel. Great, but have you noticed how expensive other foods like milk and cheese are becoming? Want to know why? Cows eat corn. If you don't think the price of corn will effect your every day life than you need to pull your head out of your ass.
Why do we still have affirmative action when white people are fast becoming a minority? Just a question.
The housing market. Do I need to say more?
Why is no one talking about the Patriot Act anymore? We're still living under it's oppressing evilness, any one care?
I talk about our prison systems and school systems a lot, why is that? Because they both suck? They've cut back on budgets so much that our children no longer have extra curricular activities like art, theater, and music. The lunches they serve our children have been reduced to one fish stick and a carton of hormone enhanced milk.
Our prison systems are getting ready to go to hell, and when they do you have no idea how bad it's going to get.
Stem Cells - able to save lives but destroy the Christian values this country is founded on. When your in bed dying of a disease that could be cured if the Jesus-freaks got their heads out of their asses I hope their God will give you comfort, because no one else will.
Real issues, people, not bullshit. It's our job to demand these real issues be addressed, so stop farting around with the bullshit and get down to it. I don't know about you, but for me:
I can't have children, so abortion is nothing I will ever have to worry about. And I don't care what other women do with their bodies.
I'm straight and I'm married, and I love it. If two guys or two girls can make it work, more power to them. The divorce rate in this country is ridiculous, why isn't anyone concerned about that?
Immigration? Pretty soon most Americans are going to be leaving this country to live in others, do we really want to come across as bastards? Do we want to be treated the way we're treating others?
Family values. What is a family anymore? Honestly, if you're doing a good job who cares what you watch on TV.