
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Friday, December 21, 2007

Stupid For The Holidays

It's a time of cheer and a time of joy. It is also a time for the dumbasses of this world to show their true colors.

I'll start with a story about my husband's co-worker. On Thanksgiving he and his family went to another family member's house. When they got back they discovered their home had been broken into. Not a lot was taken, but the invasion of privacy still stung.

I don't know about you, but I am paranoid about being robbed. Everything I own is locked, know what I mean? So yesterday my husband gets home and tells me that his co-workers wife's car was also broken into.

They took her cell phone, her purse, and her gym bag. How awful, I say, do they have to replace a car window, too? Oh no, he replies, she left the car unlocked.


What kind of miserably retarded bitch leaves her car unlocked at night with all her important shit inside AFTER her own house was broken into? Honestly? Can someone please shove a broom handle up her ass because it seems she likes being violated.

Then my friend Issy calls and tells me this story:

She's pulling out of her driveway this morning. It's kind of foggy so she waits until she can't see any lights and pulls out. A hot second later this orange car come screaming up behind her. The car swerves around her and pulls in front, slamming on her brakes. I guess she wanted to do to Issy what Issy had done to her. Anyway, she keeps driving like an ignorant bitch all the way to the highway. Issy notices that she has a for sale sign in the back window of her car. With her phone number on it.

Beep, beep, boop, bip, boop, beep, beep. The chick answers her phone in a pleasant voice.
"Hi. Do you have an orange car for sale?"
"Yes I do."
"Then why are you driving like that?"
"You stupid C---, I work for a law firm and I can have you arrested for harassment!"
"Then maybe you shouldn't drive like a crazy bitch and have your number on the back of your damn car."

Oh, the curse words ensued. Issy told her to have a nice day and hung up. Only problem was she had to explain the conversation to her young son sitting in the back seat. "Um, er... ok, Mommy said some bad words..."

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Why are People so Stupid?

I deal with a lot of people in my job and I have to say just because you have a Ph.D. behind your name does not make you smart.

I received a recommendation letter for one of my applicants. Now, I have 500+ applications for the job I'm hoping to fill. This kind fellow wrote an amazing letter for a guy named Jerry. Jerry was a student of his at Yale. Jerry was a great guy as well as a great scientist. Jerry had no last name. I guess the Yale professor thought his Jerry was the only Jerry out there.

Our ad for this job clearly states all materials must be sent electronically. Yet I still received a hand-full of application through the mail. I emailed each of these people and asked for the PDF files to be sent. They did. All except one. She not only ignored my request, she sent all her letter of recommendation through the mail as well. I guess you can be a genius and still not understand the most basic of instructions.

I've had most of the information about this job and all the interviews online for months. I've sent the URL and log-in information to several people several times. Yet on the first day of interviewing they call me, panicked, because they don't have the information. Yeah, and it's somehow my fault. I'm sorry, I take for granted that if one is sent an email, one will actually READ IT!

I work a thankless job. Half the people I work for have no respect for me or what I do. I'm so glad Christmas is coming up soon, I will have a week off from work. I need to be away from here, I'm done with dealing with educated idiots.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Ooh, Ugh, Groan, Moan

I've done something. I've kept it under wraps because I didn't know if I would stick with it, but I now know I will. Why? Because I LOVE IT!

What is it? I've joined the Arch Rivals Roller Girls Roller Derby team.

My body hurts in ways I never imagined. Riding a bike for two years I thought I was in pretty good shape. Ha! You don't fall on your ass when you're riding a bike, let me tell you. I haven't been on skates since I was 12.

Wednesday night I was strutting around in my knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, helmet, and underwear. Sexy. For last nights practice I did put on clothes (and stuff a few washrags down my pants to protect my tail bone). I have so much to learn but I'm glad I'm not the only newbie on the team. There are 10 of us - all wobbling around and falling down - together. We'll practice for a few months before we actually get assigned a team.

I'm so excited about this! Since I was a young girl watching C.H.I.P.s I've wanted to be a roller girl. I thought it was a dead sport - not so. So wish my luck and send me Joint Juice, I'm going to need it.

Now I must hobble off to work....

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

That's Just Whack

I've recently heard that in order to ease our over-crowded prisons the US is mulling over a plan to release hundreds, if not thousands, of people serving time for crack possession/sale.


Um, excuse me if I'm wrong, but liquor stores and gas stations have never been robbed by someone high on pot. Wives and children don't get beaten/killed/sold by those who are stoned. A person smoking a joint has never gone crazy and taken it out on the general public. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of people in jail for pot possession/sale. But oh no, those dangerous criminals need to stay put, we'll just let all the crack-heads go free.

What is wrong with us! Crack users have proven to be useless, violent, and repeat offenders, but by all means let's just let them loose. How fucked up is this country? Honestly!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Beauty and the Geek

Best. Show. Ever.

I've been a fan of Beauty and the Geek for the duration. I have to say this season's results show was a bit different than the others. Instead of duking it out in an elimination challenge the producers decided to let America choose the winner. I was not a big fan of this decision. America didn't help these teams during their challenges, why should they get to pick the final winner? But that sting was soothed last night by having one of the best results shows I've ever seen.

What was so great about it? Was it the fact Dave got so excited to see Jasmine again he managed to lift her skirt to her chest when he hugged her, showing off her nice black thong to God and everyone? Was it when they brought a tarantula out and Jasmine nearly climbed the curtains? Or was it bringing Sam and Rebbecca back together again to tongue wrestle each other before commercial break? Or was it the fact they gave the losers more than .20 seconds to talk about how they were doing?

All that and more. Who wouldn't like to see a Shay sandwich between Josh and his mother? Shay is hot, hot, hot. She and Josh's mom got along like old hens in a coop. Says Josh, "I don't want to interrupt either of these women." Smart man.

How about Rebbecca giving the other Josh a back massage right there on stage. Awwwwkward.
There were a lot of one-liners worthy of mention, but the best line had to come from the host. When reading off who voted for who in the house he came to the "Biggest Geek" category.

"Now we come to who was the biggest geek. Josh, by a landslide of epic proportions..."

Dave and Jasmine won! I was so happy, they were so deserving. After getting over the disappointment of Jason and whats-her-name getting kicked off The Amazing Race it was nice to see the right people win. (Jason reminded hubby and I of our good friend Matto the Hun. The girl was no where near Mrs. The Hun's beauty, but then again, very few people are.)

Now I'll have to find something else to watch on Tuesday night.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Lori Drew

I haven't said anything about the woman named above because I have been too scatterbrained to get my thoughts in a row. If you're not familiar with the case here is a quick run down:

A girl named Megan was 13-years-old and having trouble. She belonged to the Myspace community and thought she'd met a young boy named Josh Evans. She talked with Josh a lot. Then his messages changed one day, telling Megan horrible things and saying horrible things about her. Megan took her life that day. Soon it was discovered Josh Evans was really a fictitious character created by Lori Drew and her child as a way to monitor what Megan was saying about them. Months after her death her family found out about this and it's been in the media since.

Lori Drew made a lot of mistakes. The first was thinking she was clever and mature enough to have children of her own. Second, she showed a horrible lack of judgment and an unbelievably irresponsible personality when she made Josh Evans and used him to spy on a child. Her largest mistake was making the comment, "I don't feel that bad after I found out Megan tried to commit suicide before." when asked about it. That's not a direct quote, but you get the idea. Not showing any remorse for her own actions or any sympathy for the family shows us just what type of person Lori Drew is.

She did not kill Megan and I know this. Megan took her own life, but we need to remember Megan was an impressionable 13-year-old with a history of depression. Lori may not have pushed her off the ledge but she contributed to her death all the same. The law says she did nothing wrong, there will be no charges brought against her because stalking laws need a serious revision.

However, the laws of humanity and fair play are taking an active part in this drama. Seems Lori Drew and her horrible family are now being targeted via the same method they used to target Megan. People have used the Internet to encourage others to vandalize the Drew family. Her name and address were all over the place days after this incident came to light. They are being treated...well....as they should be, I say.

This vicious bitch has no soul. Not for what she did, a lot of stupid, immature people would think making a fake person on Myspace to find information about someone else is a brilliant idea. No, this whore and her little devil-spawn are reaping what they sowed because of how they reacted. If they had come clean and shown a shred of remorse or sorrow we, the Internet community, might cut them a break. But the Cunt acted like she'd done nothing wrong, so now the Cunt is getting a big ol' bitch slap from reality.

I'm glad. When I read about the death-threats they've received it makes me happy. I imagine them huddled in their house dodging bricks and paint balls, screaming, and it makes me smile. I hope Lori and her daughter are haunted by this. I hope they have to move every 6 months when the current town they live in finds out what they did. I hope they need therapy for the rest of their lives, and that those lives are shortened by the stress and pain their decision has brought them. I hope the very mention of Myspace makes them sick to their stomachs. I hope they think of Megan every second of every day for the rest of their miserable lives. I hope the guilt builds and builds until they think of taking their own lives. When they are down like that I hope someone tells them the world will be better off without them (something they told Megan) so they can see how it feels.

I have no sympathy for the Drew family. Anything that happens to them is deserved. I only wish people like the Drew family were a rarity in this society, but alas they are not. That is sadder than anything else.

Read more here
and here.

Happy Birthday?

My niece is going to be born today. In fact, she could be coming into this world right about now. My sister was induced about midnight. I'm anxiously awaiting the news.

Mom and Dad are in town, of 'course. They're taking care of B-Butt while Sis huffs and puffs away. Tonight B-Butt has his little school play. I have class, so I'm going to miss that as well. Grrrr.

I am taking tomorrow off work, so I have that to look forward to. I'll just be glad when it's all said and done.