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My husband had a vasectomy last Friday. There are two things I discovered about myself this weekend.
1) I would not make a good caregiver. Friday I felt sorry for hubby. He was in pain and walking all funny and moaning a lot. I stuck close and made sure he had everything he wanted. I did laundry, fixed meals, cleaned the house, fetched drinks, you name it. And I liked it. It made me feel very useful and cuddly. Saturday my man was doing better but he still could not function normally. I had to drop the dog off at the groomers, go grocery shopping, get the dog from the groomer, fix the meals, fetch drinks, and clean the house. Alone. I was still okay with it, poor hubby was still in pain.
By Sunday the novelty of taking care of my man wore off quickly. He was okay now, he could get his own damn drinks and fix his own damn food. I had laundry to do (still!). I have a period every month complete with cramps, pain, and bleeding, do you see me laying around? No, I have to function normally. By Sunday night hubby was on his own and I didn't care one bit.
2) I have to clarify, AGAIN, that I do not want to have a baby. I love my mother but sometimes.... She calls Sunday and its, "How do you feel now that Hubby has done this? You realize it's final, right? Now you'll never have a baby. How does this affect you?"
First of all, Hubby did
not make this decision alone. In fact, if you'll remember,
I am the one who gave hubby the deadline.
I'm the one who said this surgery would happen this year or there would be great consequences. I am NOT some helpless victim being forced to live with the decision my husband makes. If I wanted to have a baby I would have one. BUT I DON'T WANT A BABY! Me, my choice, my decision, one that I made when I was
15 years old.
Others not being able to live with my decision is not my problem. If you can't listen to me and understand my words, if you fool yourself into thinking I will change my mind, than that is YOUR problem.
So, for the last time, so there is no confusion among any of my friends and family members, I will spell it out for everyone.
I. Do. Not. Want. A. Baby.
I do not want the piss, shit, and vomit that comes with a baby. The sleepless nights, the long hours of rocking, feeding, and cleaning. I do not want to turn my life upside down because I have a kid. I do not want my hard earned money to disappear down that kid's endless open pie-hole. I do not want to teach anyone how to talk, walk, run, ride a bike, or drive a car. I do not want the worry, fear, heart-ache, and exasperation that a kid brings. I do not want to have my house torn apart, my things ruined or broken, and my time monopolized. I do not want to worry about the education, friends, psychological damage, or limb extraction that can occur with having a kid. I DON'T WANT IT.
And yes, I'm missing out on the hugs and kisses and cute little things kids do. I don't care. The trade-off is not worth it to me. "But they bring so much love to your life!" So do pets, and I have two of those. I am happy being childless. I am happy knowing I don't have to deal with alllllllllllllllllll the issues a kid brings to one's life. I am happy that I found a man who agrees with me. I like knowing my money is my own, my home is my own, my time is my own, and my life is my own. I was not forced into this decision, it is my own.
Do you get it now? How many more times can I say it?
It doesn't matter how many babies are pointed out to me, it doesn't matter how many "We only got one grandchild now" speeches I hear from my father, it doesn't matter how many conversations I'm forced to have (and you're not clever, you may be using different words but the topic is always the same), I am not changing my mind. I am solid on this. I stand firm. I'm tired of the questions and the endless barrage of nagging. I'm not having a kid.
I love my nephew, but if talking about him is going to segway into talking about my having a kid I swear, I'll stop seeing him just to end it. I'll hole myself up in my home and not use the phone, email, or even letters to communicate. I'll close myself off completely just to avoid having to repeat my self over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over, over, over, over, over, over, over and over again!