
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Thursday, January 31, 2008


So I load up my Internet this morning and logged onto my Yahoo account. If you've never been to Yahoo's home page they have a news section with four or five headlines linking to various stories. This morning one of the headlines was "Brittany Taken Out of Home in Ambulance." You know what? I don't care.

I didn't click on the link or bother to read the story. I'm so over having to listen to anyone about anything that little psycho-tramp does. Can't we get another newscaster like the one who refused to read a story about Paris Hilton? Where is she? We need people like her now.

Who really cares anymore? Brittany is a drama queen with a free pass to national TV. She's fucked up beyond anyone's help and honestly I hope she dies soon. We'll have a three-month media frenzy about her "untimely" death and then she'll be gone. GONE! Can you imagine a world without Brittany? I can, and it's a lovely place.

We are unwilling voyeurs into her life and I'm sick of it. I don't care. I don't care about her career, I don't care about her kids, and I don't care who she's currently screwing. I don't care about her family or her future. You know, now that I think about it, I don't even care if she dies. All I care about is not having to hear her or see her ever again.

Ok, I'm done. Next...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


You are going to love this. Yesterday it dropped 60 degrees in one day. At 1pm it was 72, at 10 pm it was 12. Around 5pm when I was on my way home it was about 30, windy as hell, and snow/sleet was falling.

I am almost home when I see the most pathetic thing. A guy on a motorcycle wearing nothing but a T-shirt, a pair of sweatpants, shoes, and a helmet. No gloves, no socks, no coat. He's flying like a bat out of hell, too. I froze just looking at him. Obviously someone did not pay attention to the weather forecast. I would have felt sorry for him save for one thing: It's St. Louis and it's winter, you don't leave the house in a freaking T-shirt! What kind of jackass lives in the Midwest and doesn't take precautions? Ignorant!

Let's ignore the fact that no one in St. Louis with half a brain would take their motorcycles out during the winter. The amount of salt on the road would clog even the most anal of motorcycle owner's pipes. If this jackass can wear a T-shirt and sweatpants to work then he could have taken off early when the weather started to turn.

Nope, don't feel sorry for him at all.

I wonder where all those corporate paid nay-sayers are? You know, the one's who insisted global warming was a concoction of scientists imaginations. Where have they been? Where's all that data they had that backed up their claims? C'mon, losing 60 degrees in one day is normal, right? Just as normal as having tornadoes in winter, or 56 hurricanes in one month, right?

Yeah, where are those jackasses?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Get Another Damn Job

It's been an interesting morning. At my work we have two janitors that have been with us for as long as I've been here, Dave and Savannah. They are great people, they work well and keep us running smoothly. I've been in their position, it's a crappy job, but they are two of the sweetest, most polite, and fun people I've ever met.

Today I get to work, and because I had derby practice last night, I took the elevator. My elevator is slow to begin with, but it took a ridiculous amount of time for the elevator to get to the ground floor. It opens and wa-la, it's full of trash. Nothing else, just trash. Trash + small space = stink. Dave would never have done this, something must be wrong. I ride to my floor and when the door opens I am face to face with a cleaning cart. Standing close to that cart is an older man bitching on his cell phone. He has one of those loud, gravely voices that carries.

I walked to my office, opened my door, checked my email, took a phone call, and was on my way up to the main office before he finally shut-up. Bitch, bitch, bitch. If he doesn't like being a janitor (and he doesn't, let me tell you), go get another damn job. All the while he was bitching the trash was taking a ride on the elevator, now it smells and will probably smell for the rest of the day. Thanks.

If someone can't do the simplest of jobs, how can they ever hope to advance? Emptying trash and sweeping floors does not take that much brain power. If one can't even do that well, where do they plan on going? Like the McDonald's worker who can't get an order straight, what else are they going to do if they can't tell the difference between a Big Mac and a cheeseburger?

Its obvious this guy doesn't want to work. He feels he's better than his current job, which is a shame because he really sucks at it.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Ok, Fine, I'll Talk About It

Heath Ledger. I know, you're probably sick to death (hee-hee) of hearing about Heath and his untimely death. I'm not going to talk about that as much as something else about the guy.

They say he had a really hard time playing the Joker in the upcoming Batman: Dark Knight movie. The Joker is a psychopathic narcissist and Heath had a really hard time getting into character. He was losing sleep, feeling bad, blah, blah. Last night I was thinking about it and I don't get it. It's a character, one he could put on and take off at will, how could it be so hard?

Playing a psychopathic killer to me would be pretty easy. It's like a game, when the camera rolls you act like a killer. Easy. Then it occurred tome that I live pretty close to that line of thinking to begin with, I would enjoy playing a killer and would relish in the depravity of it. I would be living out a sick little fantasy of mine and enjoy the hell out of it.

Then I thought about a role I would have trouble playing. I came up with a uber-religious, docile female who takes the abuse of her overbearing husband. Yes, that role would be hard for me to play. I would really have to work at being submissive and accepting of that kind of treatment. The vulnerability and ignorance of playing a cow-towed victim would be very uncomfortable for me, and yeah, I'd probably lose some sleep over it.

By all accounts Heath was a very sweet, nice guy. So yeah, I am beginning to understand how it might be hard for him to play a unfeeling, uncaring killer with mental issues.

However, would playing that Jesus-loving battered dummy cause me to go on heavy medication? I don't think so. I think I'd probably get over it pretty quick. I'd take a little of that character with me when the movie was done and have a better understanding of who I was, but I don't think it would fuck me up. Sorry. I guess some of us can just get over things a lot easier than others.

It's sad he's dead, but people die every day. Just because he was famous, and a father, doesn't make his death any more significant. I feel for his daughter, she'll forget him over time. I feel for his family, they will miss him a great deal. But death is death. Let's move on...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Good Morning, It's....

9 degrees today. 9! It was 5 when I got to work. We shouldn't have to work when it's this cold. We should have a 20 degrees or more policy. It's a damn shame that I have to get out of my warm bed so early just to hop into a freezing car that only warms up 1 mile from my stopping destination, then walk through a cutting wind to get to a cold-ass office. This is just not fair.

I'm a little bitchy today. I've had skating practice for the last three nights and I'm a bit tired. My skills test is Feb. 4th. In order to continue this roller derby journey and participate in fun skating activities I have to pass this skills test. There are 8 things I need to know how to do: a 2-knee drop, a 1-knee drop, a turn-around toe stop, a snowplow stop, cross-overs, a T-stop, jumping, and I have to get around the track 5 times in a minute or less. I'm not so concerned with executing these maneuvers as much as executing them well. At least I'm not alone, four or five other girls will be taking the test with me. I'm going to cry like a little girl if I fail.

Work has finally slowed down but now I'm faced with idle time. This sucks. I'm getting over my recent illness so that's a bonus. I plan to sleep, sleep, sleep this weekend.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Here's An Idea

From CNN.com: "President Bush is putting together his first public call for an emergency fiscal stimulus bill while negotiations on Capitol Hill focus on rebates for taxpayers and other steps to jump-start the sagging economy."

Here's an idea - lower the fucking gas prices! Yeah, the only people not losing money are the oil companies. In fact, they've been having record profits for the last two years. Why is that? Oh, yeah, because we're taking it up the ass at the pump.

From Glen Beck: "Longtime viewers of my television program know that I've been banging the recession drum for a while now, but the truth is that an economy as large and complex as ours doesn't just collapse overnight. It happens slowly and methodically, with plenty of warning signs along the way."

Uh-hu, yeah. Are you just now figuring out our president is clueless? He is so separated from reality he has NO CLUE what's going on in this country. Hasn't for years now, but half this country still gave him another term. Hope you're happy.

People, this is only going to get worse. Until we have someone in that office who knows what's going on in this country and has the balls to stand up to the lobbyists and the major-money corporations we, the little people, are going to suffer.

So be very careful this election, people. Very careful.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Screw 'Em

After having read this I must say I don't feel one bit sorry for the writer's anymore. The particular line is, " Studios typically pay $500,000 to $2 million a year per writer for them and their staffs to develop new show concepts."

Screw 'em! Let them go out and get regular jobs and then maybe they'll appreciate what they had.

I have been so busy. I finally have a moment so I thought I would step in and say hello.

The Derby. I am in love with this sport. I lookforward to every practice and after every one I feelexhausted, exhilarated, and alive. And usually sore. Last night we did not skate; we had a short lesson on eating healthy. I was a bit disappointed to not skate, but the lecture was informative. I had no idea I knew so much about it already! I’d like to thank Issy for that.
Tomorrow we go back to skating and drills. Ah, the drills, how I loves me some drills. There is nothing like screaming around a corner terrified of colliding with other teammates while also dodging balls and traffic cones being gleefully thrown at you to get the blood flowing. These are my future teammates and they’re trying to run me over, I love it. This is the hard, torturous, strategic, often violent outlet I was looking for. I’m starting to feel more comfortable
around the other girls. I’m still intimidated by a few of them. But I’m finally remembered some names and finding some things in common. Teamwork is not something the Arch Rival Roller Girls is lacking.

Work is finally slowing down. The holidays are over so I can get back into a routine again. I’m anal enough to need one in order to live happily.

I was watching this TV show and I saw something I couldn’t believe. I guess the censors were taking a coffee break when that scene was shot. It’s nothing dirty or shocking, it’s just unrealistic. This woman is sitting on her bed, she's just come home, and is
flipping through TV channels with a remote. A spider crawls out from under her hair, across her forehead, and down over her eye. This woman lightly brushes away the spider, makes that “Ew” face as she does so, and then goes back to flipping channels.
Excuse me?
What testosterone-laden cave man world did this director grow up in? There isn’t a woman I know who would react that way to a spider crawling out of her hair and into her eye. Every woman I know, when that spider set one little foot on her forehead, would have jumped up out of that bed and started slapping her own face, screaming that high-pitch dog-calling screech
that only we women are capable of reaching and doing alittle heebie-jeebies dance on the bedroom floor. There wouldn’t have been no eye, that spider wouldhave been pulp in seconds flat, and then she would have knocked herself out running into the wall trying to reach the bathroom to wash her face off. At least, that’s what my friend would have done. Then she would have called me and relived the whole experience all over again.
Please. Introduce a spider into a large, vacant room and watch the women turn into three-year-old girls.

My sister goes back to work today after having six weeks off after having my niece. She is not taking it well. She’s going back to a pay raise, that’s always nice. Seems the boss finally realized just how hard my sister works. He was so lost without her he asked her to come back early from maternity leave. Sis told him to shove it, thus the raise. Good girl!

My husband and I are doing great. He gets to play WOW three nights a week now that I have derby practice, things couldn’t be better. Seems someone might just miss me when I’m gone. Yeah, I’m talking about the dog. He’s having a major case of withdrawal anxiety. The cat could care less.

I’ve been writing more. I’ve decided to post some of it when I have it edited. I’m interested to see what you think.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

I had an intense Derby practice last night. We worked on some drills that I had never done before.

Four girls, in a square, skate around the track, at every turn we rotate clockwise so that no one is in the front or back all the time. We also have to stay close together (during a game the object is to stop people from passing us).

So, skating, rotating, and staying in formation.

The ref added to this two Nerf balls, when he blew the whistle we had to pass the ball to a teammate, but not the teammate who passed it to us. We also had to call the name of the girl we were passing it to or the pass didn't count.

Skating, rotating, staying in formation, passing, and calling out a name.

To make it even more interesting while we were doing this our other teammates were throwing safety cones and shoes at us.

Okay, skating, rotating, staying in formation, passing, calling out a name, and avoiding hurled debris.

I was out of breath, sweating, developing a blister, terrified of falling (or falling and taking others with me), and resentful of the glee my fellow team members were having throwing things at me, but I have never felt so alive. I love Derby!!!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


A high end restaurant in Disney World forbids children under 10 to enter.


It's about time one can go on vacation to Disney world and have a nice meal without some squalling brat ruining it. Disney is not only for children, a lot of adults like it, too. And some of those adults don't want their vacations ruined by demon-spawn. I hope more restaurants, not only in Disney but all over, institute a no-children policy.

In today's world parents are lazy. They don't care what trouble their kids cause. They let them scream and yell and run around, tipping things over or tripping people up, and we're just supposed to take it. Fuck that. If there was a restaurant in St. Louis that banned children I would eat there ALL THE TIME! Peace and quiet are worth paying for. Sitting at a table that isn't surrounded by food on the floor would be nice. Not having some sticky-handed, messy-mouthed intruder wobbling around my legs would be heaven.

So Bravo! Disney, keep up the good work.

Writer's Strike

My husband and I were talking about the Golden Globes and all the hubbub it's generating because of the writer's strike. He made a comment about the lack of star power at the Golden Globes and how such award shows are for the entertainers. I made the comment that the award shows aren't for the stars, they're for us, and by not showing up they aren't hurting anyone's feelings but ours.

Hollywood needs to remember that they are not entertaining each other. They do not get paid millions of dollars to make a movie that will only be seen by their fellow actors. They make those movies for us, the general public. If these stars don't want to show their faces at the Golden Globes it isn't going to hurt Hollywood's feelings, it's going to hurt ours.

We buy the movie tickets, we subscribe to the Tivo, and we buy all the silly tabloids that keep celebrities in the public eye. We watch the late shows and we also watch the award shows. We watch these because we cannot be there ourselves. It gives us a mini-vacation from reality filled with glamor and hot, sexy people. We're the ones being snubbed and I don't like it one bit.

The writer's are striking, fine. But they need to remember they are in an industry that only thrives when it produces. Stay away long enough and you might find you have no job to go back to. It's kind of hard to write for a show that no one's watching, hmmmm?

I certainly hope this writer's strike will put Hollywood back where it belongs, in the shadows. We as a country pay way to much attention to the silly shit entertainers do. We put way too much into what they say. They are our entertainment and if they piss us off we should not hang around, we should simply find other ways to entertain ourselves. The industry has it in it's mind that it makes the world go round, but this is not true. We do not need TV shows. We do not need movies. These are luxuries, nothing more. And when a luxury becomes a problem, we usually drop it and move on.

So stars, stay home, please. Get used to it, because if this writer's strike continues and TV begins to suck we will FINALLY turn it off and start talking to each other. Kids will once again begin to play outside. Neighbors will become friendly again. Communities will start caring again. We'll start paying attention to real life, and when that happens the fantasy makers will have no one to sell to.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Not Much To Say

I'm incredibly busy and in the process of revamping my writings, so please be patient with me. As soon as I have more time I will write more stuff.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Hello 2008

Hey everyone, I hope you had a fantastic holiday season. I did.

It was hard coming back to work, boy, and even harder now that they are screwing with us. Yesterday (my first day back to work - rough!) my building was freezing. Everyone had their floor heaters on full blast. Today we all dressed nice and warm and ta-da, they have the heat on set to "lava." We'll all be in our underwear by the end of the day.

2008 is going to be a great year. I can feel it.