Let's Talk About Dumbasses
Let me get one thing straight: in order for an abortion to occur, there needs to be an egg fertilized by a sperm in the process of making a human. Right? Okay, so if emergency contraception stops a sperm from fertilizing an egg, there is no conception. Thus, there is nothing to abort, right? Am I the only one who gets this?
essentially, emergency contraception is the same thing as birth control, only it's a much higher dose. If you have no issues with birth control, why do you have issues with emergency contraception? Oh, right, you've been told by the church that emergency contraception is bad, therefore your basing your opinion on fantasy instead of fact. How silly of me not to understand.
These conservative Christians are going to find themselves on the wrong end of pointy spears if they keep insisting that society live by their rules and their rules alone. Emergency contraception is rarely prescribed to a girl because she said yes when she should have said no. Doctors are not handing these things out like candy on Halloween. There is usually a very good reason, most involving rape. If I was a rape victim being judged and looked down upon by a pharmacist, I'd jump over the counter and kick him in the balls. I think I already covered this once before. Anyway, if you feel it's your duty to tell other people how to live their lives, become a preacher. Or a politician. Or have 17 children and start your own holy-rolling army. Oh, wait, that's already been done...