Christmas, Christmas, Christmas is here.
It's time for Santa and his little reindeer.
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas is here.
Bring the liquor, wine, and beer.
I am/am not looking forward to my Christmas this year. Everyone is coming to my house for the big present-fest. There will be 9 of us: Mom, Dad, my sis, her man, B-Butt, Issy, her son Ax, me, and my stud-muffin of a lovin' machine husband. (Beo and kitty will be there, but they aren't great gift-givers).
I'm looking forward to having my family in my home, making food for everyone, getting the house all purty, and being off from work. Issy and her son joining us is a new thing. We'll eat too much, maybe catch a movie, and maybe catch a nap. There is only one thing that I am not looking forward to; B-Butt's utter domination of the whole damn scene.
It has been tradition in my family to open gifts one at a time. We all sit around in a big circle and enjoy opening gifts. I like this tradition. All the time and effort I put into a gift is worth it when I am able to see the reaction of thegiftee. It also makes the day last a little longer. When people have a five-minute rip-fest, what are they going to do for the rest of the day? Anyhow, this had been our tradition up until B-Butt was about three. Then the tradition came to a screeching halt.
"I wanna open one. I wanna open one. Where's mine? Where's mine? Why do I hafta wait? I wanna open mine now. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I want a toy. I want a toy. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa."
So of 'course my family threw tradition out the window and bowed down to the great tantrum of B-Butt. Last Christmas sucked balls because I couldn't enjoy others enjoying their gifts. All I heard was the constant bitching of my nephew and the threats my sister gave if he didn't shut-up (which are empty, by the way, so he never shut-up).
Now B-Butt is 7. I'm hoping he will be quelled by his mother, but that is a long shot. I'm counting on the fact that he's old enough to understand all the words that come out of my mouth, mainly, "If you don't shut the hell up and get with the program I will kick your whiny, ungrateful ass out of my house."
I understand my sister bending over backwards to spoil B-Butt, she can't help herself, but my mom and dad cater to him, too. MY mom and dad, the two people who would beat my sister and I senseless if we pulled the same shit my nephew is pulling. The two people who etched "Children shall be seen and not heard" in stone now run each other over just to make sure the kid is happy.
If my mom and dad would chose
my side I actually believe B-Butt would calm down and participate like a good boy. If he has five adults telling him to quit it may work (me, hubby, Issy, mom, and dad). But that won't happen because B-Butt is 1) never wrong, 2) so precious it hurts, and 3) ALWAYS gets his way.
I can't tell him to shut-up because then my family will turn on me. "Don't talk to him like that! You could hurt his feelings. He's only a little boy." Excuses, excuses.
So this is how Christmas will go: B-Butt will scream, yell, talk, and run all over the place, having to touch or hold everything. He will not leave the dog alone no matter how many times I tell him (he doesn't listen to anyone). Ax, who's 3, will behave until he sees B-Butt getting away with it, then he will join the ranks and I'll have two brats on my hands. (Only Issy will smack Ax down when she's had enough). We'll start to open presents only to be interrupted every 30 seconds by B-Butt demanding it's his turn. My mom and dad will drop everything to make sure he's happy. (Two years ago I spent a lot of time making a gift for my mom only to see it fall by the chair-side, half opened as she raced to get B-Butt a toy. I don't think she ever actually opened it.) This means that everyone will start talking, and it will get louder and louder as each person vies for the dominant volume. My sister will yell empty threats, her boyfriend will sit there like a dumb bump on a log, and my husband will find a way to vacate the premises. Poor Beo will probably join him as he's not used to a destructive, violent boy tugging and poking him constantly. Once all the presents are opened B-Butt will whine because there aren't anymore, he'll ask if he can have everyone else's presents (because he IS that selfish), and then he'll run around my house searching for the dog.
Maybe I'll join the cat in the basement until everyone goes home.
My fantasy of a nice, calm, happy Christmas will not be fulfilled until B-Butt goes to college. Hopefully in Alaska. When I was his age I had to adhere to the strict rules of my family and it
didn't dampen my spirits at all. I still had a great time. Christmas is for EVEY ONE to enjoy, not just the kids. Catering to one person so
religiously makes it hard on everyone else, and not very enjoyable.
I could be wrong - but I doubt it.