Happy Friday!
Today is going to be a busy one. My co-worker brought me something today. Her mother has made cookbook after cookbook throughout her whole life. Now her mother wants to get rid of them, so she gave one to me. It's a photo album with clippings and such from every imaginable source. Some of these look sooooo good. That was so sweet of her. I'm truly honored that she would give me, a virtual stranger, one of her books simply because I work with her daughter. So I'll be spending the day making out a grocery list.
I'm going to lunch with another co-worker of mine. She is having gastric bypass surgery next week, this will be the last chance for her to eat like a normal person. We're going someplace called the Cupcake Factory. With a name like that, I'm all in.
After work today Hubby and I are going to a park to watch a friend of ours race. She is one of those die hard bikers, this is a die hard race. I'll be sitting in her teams tent sipping margaritas and eating Qdoba. She wants me to braid her hair. I'm much better braiding other people's hair than my own. I think I'll do a double French braid right down the back. She wants the logo on the back of her shirt to be visible. It should be a good day for it, I'll just have to slather on the bug repellent. She and her husband are both on my MS-150 team, Go Bad Dog!
After that it's off to another friend's apartment for pizza and beer. This is the same friend who's birthday party I went to last Saturday. She lives in this wonderful apartment complex, an old 1928 building that has been kept in pristine condition. It's simply gorgeous. The hallways scream "photo shoot!" They also scream for a couple of twins and a tricycle (who's going to get that, I wonder?) If I were single and didn't mind apartment living I'd wait for a space in that building, no problem.
Have a good weekend.