One of my favorite movies is "Shawshank Redemption." I just love that film. One of my favorite lines is when Morgan Freeman comments on Andy's escape:
"I guess after Tommy was killed, Andy decided he had been here just about long enough."
That is how I feel today. I think I have been in St. Louis just about long enough. Someone made the comment the other day that people in New York are pretty. "All of them, from CEO's to bums on the street, are good looking. Not like here. Here in the Midwest every one's ugly."
I'd have to agree with that. We're fat, lazy, angry, and ugly. Our Midwest uniforms are (insert favorite sports team) sweatshirts and old jeans. Our favorite sport is drinking. And eating. We have more all-you-can-eat restaurants than Paris Hilton has condoms. And the weather sucks balls.
I'm sick of this place. I'm sick of driving down the same streets, seeing the same stupid-ass kids run into those streets, and dodging the same stupid-ass kids so I don't ruin my car. I'm sick of the same old shit day-in and day-out on the news. I'm sick of my job and all the careless assholes I work for (okay, some of them are really nice, but not enough to make me stay).
I was born into a military family. As such, we moved a lot. I like to move, it keeps life interesting. You get to see other places, meet other people, discover other customs. I've been in St. Louis a total of 17 years. I'm done. I know what to expect on any given day because this city never changes. I know who I am going to encounter every day because people don't change.
Mardi Gras is coming up and I am going to be surrounded by the same drunk schmucks that I am surrounded by EVERY year. I'll see the same guys pissing in the same streets spilling their drinks on the same girls who shout the same shit every year.
Summer in St. Louis - an endless barrage of baseball shit and, if it rains, flooding. More construction, more endless lines of traffic, more heat, no change. The same people will say the same shit (Hot enough fer ya?) at the same time of the same day.
Want to do something in St. Louis? Well, it's the same shit you do every year because nothing new and exciting ever comes to St. Louis. Only some call it "tradition." I call it boring as hell. If you want to have 5 kids and live in an environment that caters to those 5 kids than by all means move to St. Louis.
If you want to have an exciting life full of endless opportunities to further your education, enjoy your family, and live, then stay the hell away from here.
St. Louis is sucking the life out of me. If I don't dig myself out soon it may kill me.